Introduction; Description - FIBRO Flex Cam Manual

Hydraulic cylinders and tool slides for tool and mould-making and machinery construction
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Flex Cam


The hydraulic cam system is the ideal com-
ponent for executing linear motions at any
point in the available space.
The system is increasingly being used in
tool making, in particular, to drive drawing,
moulding, cutting and drilling operations
where conventional slides cannot be used
due to lack of space or inconvenient
The working motion is generated by the
cam unit (e.g. the working cylinder), which
can be installed in any position in the
available space.
The cam unit is controlled by a driving
cylinder which, in turn, is activated by the
stroke motion of a press, for example.
The link between the two is provided by a
hydraulic hose in which the volume of oil in
the power unit is displaced to the cam unit.


Power Unit
The Power Unit consists of the following components:
• Power Cylinder
• Accumulator
• Adapter plate
The Power Cylinder is filled with oil at one end, while
the machine that executes the stroke is at the opposite
The accumulator is charged with nitrogen gas at one end.
In the idle state, the base of the piston rests on the
accumulator, relieving the pressure on the system.
The adapter plate connects the Power Cylinder to the
Accumulator and Force Cylinder.
In the standard version, the capacity of the accumulator
is matched to the total displacement volume of the
Power Cylinder. It is thus of the same height as the
piston rod. The integral rupture protection device opens
at 517 bar.
The Power Unit is also available with a separate Power
Cylinder and Accumulator.
Cam Units
There are 3 types of Cam Units:
• Force Cylinder 2018.30./40./50./60.
• Compact Cam 2018.11.
• Flange Cam 2018.12.
Force Cylinder 2018.30./40./50./60.
The accumulator is charged with nitrogen gas at one end
(20 – 40 bar). The volume of oil displaced from the Power
Unit acts on the other end when the Power Unit is pres-
surised. The Force Cylinder then extends. The retraction
motion is generated by the nitrogen gas when the pres-
sure is relieved on the stroke side of the Power Cylinder.
The displacement length of the Force Cylinder is twice
as long as the permissible nominal displacement length.
The unused displacement capacity is needed as a com-
partment for the pressurised nitrogen gas in order to
return the stroke.
The Force Cylinder is designed to drive an individual tool
component (e.g. a slide).
The nominal stroke of the Force Cylinder must be limited
by external stops. The Force Cylinder is not guided and
therefore cannot absorb any side loads. The tool compo-
nents themselves must be guided.
Side loads acting on the Force Cylinder lead to
system failure.
When attaching accessories, be careful to ensure that
the axes are lined up correctly to avoid transverse forces
during the stroke. Coupling pins or similar accessories
must be used for the connection as there must be no
rigid connection between the piston of the Force Cylinder
and the tool components.
subject to alterations


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