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Screen Displays; Echoes; Line Feeds And Carriage Returns; Screen Width - Advanced Electronic Applications PK-88 Operating Manual

Packet controller
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Screen Displays

Some computers and terminal programs are configured to certain default
characteristics that may at first seem incompatible with the PK-88. Follow
these hints as you begin to 'dialogue' with your new TNC.


If you see two characters on your screen for each character you type, then
your computer and the PK-88 are echoing your typed characters.
Type: ECHO OFF to stop the PK-88's echoes.
If you use the PK-88 later with a different terminal program, you may see
nothing displayed when you type. In that case, set ECHO ON.

Line Feeds and Carriage Returns

If lines displayed appear to be double spaced, your computer is adding an
extra line feed <LF> when it displays a carriage return <CR>
Set ALFDISP OFF to stop the PK-88 from adding an <LF>.
If you change terminal equipment you may have to set ALFDISP ON to restore the
PK-88's automatic line feeds.

Screen Width

If ALFDISP is ON, the PK-88 sends an extra <CR>, or <CR><LF> to your terminal
when 80 characters have been displayed on a line. The screen width default
value is 80, the width of most CRT displays.
If your computer does not automatically break long lines:
Set ACRDISP (the screen width) to the width of your display.
For a computer using a TV set for a display, set ACRDISP to 40.
If your computer does automatically break long lines:
Set ACRDISP to 0 to disable this feature. Otherwise, you will get two
<CR>s when the line wraps around.

Display Speeds

A few computers or terminal programs may lose the first characters of a line
when several lines are displayed in rapid succession.
Set NUCR ON (delay after <CR>), or NULF ON (delay after <LF>) to give the
computer more time between lines.
The delay is adjusted by NULLS, which sets the number of character times for
the delay.

