Installation; Connections - Pentair VARISTAR SHX 30 Instruction Manual

Cooling unit
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Setting Up
Comply with the instructions that are given in the "Safety/Selecting the installation site"
Comply with the maximum lengths (hoses, pipes, cables etc.) and pressure and
temperature values as stated in the "Technical Data" section.
The connections to the unit must be flexible and sufficiently pressure- and temperature-
Risk of damage to components!
Closed shut-off devices in the chilling medium circuit lead to impermissible temperatures,
thereby causing the unit to be switched off, or they can damage the unit.
Ensure that the shut-off devices inside the unit and on site are open prior to starting the
Notes concerning the chilling medium connection
The customer-provided chilling infrastructure (external water circuit) must be
dimensioned by the system planner while taking into consideration the available
pump pressure, pump design, nominal pipe widths, and the expected pressure
losses in the consumer circuit (cooling modules).
Keep the pipes (chilling medium) as short as possible in order to avoid pressure
losses in the system.
The chilling medium pipes can be either fixed or flexible. The compatibility of the
materials in the cooling modules with the materials of the external system circuit
must be taken into consideration in order to avoid damage due to corrosion.
When installing the customer-provided pipes, contamination of the pipes must be
absolutely avoided. Flush the pipes prior to connecting the cooling module.
We recommend installing customer-provided shut-off and drain valves on every
cabinet or cooling module as well as using a central water filter and air separator.
Connect the unit.
Connection sizes according to the "Technical Data" section
VARISTAR Cooling unit SHX 30


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