Whale Digital Smoothflow Installation Manuallines page 13

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Pump Set up – Electric Shower 15mm (2)
5. Pump shut down: Over Run (Auto-Sense) is the
preferred option. Auto-Sense stores the pump no-load
current when air is drawn by the pump after water is removed
from the tray. Once set, when this value is reached the pump
will go into its shut down sequence.
O v e r - R u n
T y p e
Time Delay is the default setting. To set Auto Sense press
then press OK '
' to select.
O v e r - R u n
T y p e
Turn off the shower. When the pump has removed the water
remaining in the tray the pump current will decrease. When it
has reached the lowest value
(by observing when the value stops falling)
press OK '
P u m p
C u r r e n t
L i m i t
Pump will run on for a few seconds before stopping
Over Run (Time-Delay)
This sets a fixed Over Run time that the pump continues to
run after the shower has been turned off.
O f f
D e l a y
T i m e
to select value of time delay (in seconds) and
press OK '
' to store.
T I M E - D E L A Y
A U T O - S E N S E
8 6
1 0 s e c
6. Start volume: This selects the initial amount of
water (litres) in the tray before pumping starts. To
minimise noise the water should be above the level
of the gulley.
S t a r t
D e l a y
V o l u m e
(Factory default is 0.6 ltrs, minimum setting).
increases the amount of water from 0.6
ltrs to 4 ltrs. Typical value between 0.8 and 2 ltrs.
Press OK '
' to select.
7. Purge Cycle: When ON is selected the pump
restarts 15 minutes after showering is completed.
P u r g e
C y c l e
1 5 m i n
C y c l e
This happens automatically to remove water that
gathers as it drains into the gulley . The pump
runs at a low speed for less than 30 seconds.
Press OK '
' to select.
If desired the Purge Cycle may be disabled by pressing
OK '
' to select OFF.
Factory Default Settings
If part way through set-up and you wish to start
again, turn the unit off until the display fades, and
then back on again. The screen will display:-
System Type and Software level
S m o o t h f l o w
R e v i e w >
Press OK '
' to begin again. The screen will start at language
options. See page 12.
0 . 6 L t r s
V 1 . 9
A d j u s t


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