Warranty - Kogan KAINDTNCTPA Instruction Manual / Installation Manual

60cm induction cooktop
Table of Contents



This document sets out the terms and conditions of the product
warranties for Kogan Australia Appliances. It is an important
This document sets out the terms and conditions of the product
document. Please keep it with your proof of purchase documents
warranties for Kogan Australia Appliances. It is an important
in a safe place for future reference should you require service for
document. Please keep it with your proof of purchase documents
your Appliance.
in a safe place for future reference should you require service for
your Appliance.
In this warranty
(a) ' acceptable quality' as referred to in clause 10 of this warranty
In this warranty
has the same meaning referred to in the ACL;
(a) ' acceptable quality' as referred to in clause 10 of this warranty
(b) ' ACL' means Trade Practices Amendment (Australian
has the same meaning referred to in the ACL;
Consumer Law) Act (No.2) 2010;
(b) ' ACL' means Trade Practices Amendment (Australian
(c) ' Appliance' means any Kogan Australia product purchased by
Consumer Law) Act (No.2) 2010;
you accompanied by this document;
(c) ' Appliance' means any Kogan Australia product purchased by
(d) ' ASR' means Kogan Australia authorised service
you accompanied by this document;
(d) ' ASR' means Kogan Australia authorised service
(e) ' Kogan Australia' means Kogan Australia Pty Ltd of 139
Gladstone St, South Melbourne VIC 3205, ABN 53 152 570
(e) ' Kogan Australia' means Kogan Australia Pty Ltd of 139
351 ("Kogan Australia") in respect of Appliances purchased in
Gladstone St, South Melbourne VIC 3205, ABN 53 152 570
351 ("Kogan Australia") in respect of Appliances purchased in
(f) ' major failure' as referred to in clause 10 of this warranty
has the same meaning referred to in the ACL and includes
(f) ' major failure' as referred to in clause 10 of this warranty
a situation when an Appliance cannot be repaired or it is
has the same meaning referred to in the ACL and includes
uneconomic for Kogan Australia, at its discretion, to repair an
a situation when an Appliance cannot be repaired or it is
Appliance during the Warranty Period;
uneconomic for Kogan Australia, at its discretion, to repair an
(g) 'Warranty Period' means:
Appliance during the Warranty Period;
where the Appliance is used for personal, domestic or
(g) 'Warranty Period' means:
household use (i.e. normal single family use) as set out
where the Appliance is used for personal, domestic or
in the instruction manual, the Appliance is warranted
household use (i.e. normal single family use) as set out
against manufacturing defects in Australia for 24
in the instruction manual, the Appliance is warranted
months following the date of delivery of the Appliance;
against manufacturing defects in Australia for 24
(h) ' you' means the purchaser of the Appliance not having
months following the date of delivery of the Appliance;
purchased the Appliance for re-sale, and 'your' has a
(h) ' you' means the purchaser of the Appliance not having
corresponding meaning.
purchased the Appliance for re-sale, and 'your' has a
corresponding meaning.
2. This warranty only applies to Appliances purchased and used in
Australia and is in addition to (and does not exclude, restrict, or
2. This warranty only applies to Appliances purchased and used in
modify in any way) any non-excludable statutory warranties in
Australia and is in addition to (and does not exclude, restrict, or
modify in any way) any non-excludable statutory warranties in
3. During the Warranty Period Kogan Australia or its ASR will, at no
extra charge if your Appliance is readily accessible for service,
3. During the Warranty Period Kogan Australia or its ASR will, at no
without special equipment and subject to these terms and
extra charge if your Appliance is readily accessible for service,
conditions, repair or replace any parts which it considers to be
without special equipment and subject to these terms and
defective. Kogan Australia or its ASR may use remanufactured
conditions, repair or replace any parts which it considers to be
parts to repair your Appliance. You agree that any replaced
defective. Kogan Australia or its ASR may use remanufactured
Appliances or parts become the property of Kogan Australia. This
parts to repair your Appliance. You agree that any replaced
warranty does not apply to light globes, batteries, filters or similar
Appliances or parts become the property of Kogan Australia. This
perishable parts.
warranty does not apply to light globes, batteries, filters or similar
perishable parts.
4. Parts and Appliances not supplied by Kogan Australia are not
covered by this warranty.
4. Parts and Appliances not supplied by Kogan Australia are not
covered by this warranty.
5. If you reside outside of the service area, you will bear the cost of:
(a) travel of an authorised representative;
5. If you reside outside of the service area, you will bear the cost of:
(b) transportation and delivery of the Appliance to and from
(a) travel of an authorised representative;
Kogan Australia's ASR, in all instances, unless the Appliance
(b) transportation and delivery of the Appliance to and from
is transported by Kogan Australia or its ASR, the Appliance is
Kogan Australia's ASR, in all instances, unless the Appliance
transported at the owner's cost and risk while in transit to and
is transported by Kogan Australia or its ASR, the Appliance is
from Kogan Australia's ASR.
transported at the owner's cost and risk while in transit to and
from Kogan Australia's ASR.
6. Proof of purchase is required before you can make a claim under
this warranty.
6. Proof of purchase is required before you can make a claim under
this warranty.
The Australian Consumer Law requires the inclusion of the following statement with this warranty: Our goods come with guarantees that
cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation
The Australian Consumer Law requires the inclusion of the following statement with this warranty: Our goods come with guarantees that
for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of
cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation
acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of
acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
You may not make a claim under this warranty unless the defect
claimed is due to faulty or defective parts or workmanship. Kogan
You may not make a claim under this warranty unless the defect
Australia is not liable in the following situations (which are not
claimed is due to faulty or defective parts or workmanship. Kogan
Australia is not liable in the following situations (which are not
(a) the Appliance is damaged by:
(a) the Appliance is damaged by:
misuse or abuse, including failure to properly maintain
or service
misuse or abuse, including failure to properly maintain
normal wear and tear
or service
power surges, electrical storm damage or incorrect
normal wear and tear
power supply
power surges, electrical storm damage or incorrect
incomplete or improper installation
power supply
incorrect, improper or inappropriate operation
incomplete or improper installation
(vii) insect or vermin infestation
incorrect, improper or inappropriate operation
(viii) failure to comply with any additional instructions
(vii) insect or vermin infestation
supplied with the Appliance;
(viii) failure to comply with any additional instructions
(b) the Appliance is modified without authority from Kogan
supplied with the Appliance;
Australia in writing;
(b) the Appliance is modified without authority from Kogan
(c) the Appliance's serial number or warranty seal has been
Australia in writing;
removed or defaced;
(c) the Appliance's serial number or warranty seal has been
(d) the Appliance was serviced or repaired by anyone other than
removed or defaced;
Kogan Australia, an authorised repairer or ASR.
(d) the Appliance was serviced or repaired by anyone other than
Kogan Australia, an authorised repairer or ASR.
8. This warranty, the contract to which it relates and the relationship
between you and Kogan Australia are governed by the law
8. This warranty, the contract to which it relates and the relationship
applicable where the Appliance was purchased.
between you and Kogan Australia are governed by the law
applicable where the Appliance was purchased.
9. To the extent permitted by law, Kogan Australia excludes
all warranties and liabilities (other than as contained in this
9. To the extent permitted by law, Kogan Australia excludes
document) including liability for any loss or damage whether
all warranties and liabilities (other than as contained in this
direct or indirect arising from your purchase, use or non use
document) including liability for any loss or damage whether
of the Appliance.
direct or indirect arising from your purchase, use or non use
of the Appliance.
10. For Appliances and services provided by Kogan Australia in
Australia, the Appliances come with a guarantee by Kogan
10. For Appliances and services provided by Kogan Australia in
Australia that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer
Australia, the Appliances come with a guarantee by Kogan
Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure
Australia that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer
and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss
Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure
or damage. You are also entitled to have the Appliance repaired
and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss
or replaced if the Appliance fails to be of acceptable quality and
or damage. You are also entitled to have the Appliance repaired
the failure does not amount to a major failure. The benefits to you
or replaced if the Appliance fails to be of acceptable quality and
given by this warranty are in addition to your other rights and
the failure does not amount to a major failure. The benefits to you
remedies under a law in relation to the Appliances or services to
given by this warranty are in addition to your other rights and
which the warranty relates.
remedies under a law in relation to the Appliances or services to
which the warranty relates.
11. At all times during the Warranty Period, Kogan Australia shall, at
its discretion, determine whether repair, replacement or refund will
11. At all times during the Warranty Period, Kogan Australia shall, at
apply if an Appliance has a valid warranty claim applicable to it.
its discretion, determine whether repair, replacement or refund will
apply if an Appliance has a valid warranty claim applicable to it.
12. To enquire about claiming under this warranty, please follow these
12. To enquire about claiming under this warranty, please follow these
(a) carefully check the operating instructions, user manual and
the terms of this warranty;
(a) carefully check the operating instructions, user manual and
(b) have the model and serial number of the Appliance available;
the terms of this warranty;
(c) have the proof of purchase (e.g. an invoice) available;
(b) have the model and serial number of the Appliance available;
(d) telephone the numbers shown below.
(c) have the proof of purchase (e.g. an invoice) available;
(d) telephone the numbers shown below.
13. You accept that if you make a warranty claim, Kogan Australia
and its ASR may exchange information in relation to you to enable
13. You accept that if you make a warranty claim, Kogan Australia
Kogan Australia to meet its obligations under this warranty.
and its ASR may exchange information in relation to you to enable
Kogan Australia to meet its obligations under this warranty.
Before calling for service or spare parts, please ensure that the steps
in point 12 have been followed.
Before calling for service or spare parts, please ensure that the steps
in point 12 have been followed.
Please call 1300 2 KOGAN (56426)
Please call 1300 2 KOGAN (56426)


Table of Contents

Table of Contents