About Calibration - Data Translation DT9828 User Manual

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Chapter 7

About Calibration

The DT9828 module is factory calibrated for voltage offset and gain. In addition, each channel
of the module is factory calibrated for temperature using a thermocouple connected to a
precisely measured temperature reference. This procedure establishes a CJC calibration
coefficient for each analog input channel; these values are stored as factory calibration
coefficients. Factory calibration provides accurate temperature measurements; however, for
utmost accuracy, it is recommended that you use the DT9828 Series Calibration Utility to
recalibrate the module with the thermocouples you wish you to use. Thereafter, we
recommend that you check, and if necessary, recalibrate the module every six months.
Note: Ensure that you installed the DT9828 Device Driver prior to using the DT9828 Series
Calibration Utility. Refer to
This chapter describes how to use the DT9828 Series Calibration Utility to calibrate the analog
input circuitry of the DT9828 module.
Chapter 2
for more information.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents