Maintenance And Troubleshooting; Vhf Marine Radio Protocols; Vhf Marine Radio Procedures - Cobra MR HH 500 FLT BT EU Owner's Manual

Vhf marine radio
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Maintenance and
Operating Your Radio

VHF Marine Radio Protocols

Very little maintenance is required to keep your CobraMarine VHF radio
in good operating condition:
Keep the radio and charger clean by wiping with a soft cloth and mild detergent.
Do not use solvents or harsh or abrasive cleaners, which could damage the case
or scratch the LCD screen.
If the radio is exposed to salt water, wipe with a soft, moist cloth at least once a
day to prevent buildup of salt deposits, which could interfere with button
If the radio will be stored for a long period, such as over the winter,
remove the batteries from the battery tray and store them in a separate
package. This is especially important if you are using alkaline batteries.
Possible Cause(s)
No display on LCD when
Batteries are exhausted
Recharge or
radio is turned On
replace batteries
Batteries not installed
Remove batteries and
reinstall according to
polarity markings
Batteries run
Batteries are at the
Replace with new
down quickly
end of their life
Will transmit at
Batteries are low
Recharge or
one (1) or three (3) watts,
replace batteries
but not at six (6) watts
Selected channel is imited
Switch to
to one (1) watt
another channel
Will not transmit
Selected channel is
Switch to
limited to receive only
another channel
No sound from speaker
Volume level is too low or
Re-adjust volume
squelch level is too deep
and squelch
No response to
Button lock is On
Press Backlight/
button press
Key Lock button
No answer to calls
Out of range of
Switch to three (3) or six
other station
(6) watts or move closer
Signal is blocked
Move until you have a "line-
by terrain
of-sight" to the other station
44 English
VHF Marine Radio
VHF Marine Radio Protocols
VHF Marine Radio Protocols

VHF Marine Radio Procedures

Maintain Your Watch
Whenever your boat is underway, the radio must be turned On and be tuned to
Channel 16 except when being used for messages.
Try 1 watt first, if the station being called is within a few miles. If there is no answer,
switch to 3 watts and call again. You have the ability to go up to 6 watts of output
power to increase your calling distance. Remember, the lower wattage outputs will
conserve your battery and minimize interference to other users.
Calling Coast Stations
Call a coast station on its assigned channel. You may use Channel 16 when you
do not know the assigned channel.
Calling Other Vessels
Call other vessels on Channel 16. You may also call on ship-to-ship channels when
you know that the vessel is listening on a ship-to-ship channel.
Limits on Calling
You must not call the same station for more than 30 seconds at a time.
If you do not get a reply, wait at least two (2) minutes before calling again.
After three (3) calling periods, wait at least 15 minutes before calling again.
Change Channels
After contacting another station on a calling channel, change immediately
to a channel which is available for the type of message you want to send.
Station Identification
Identify, in English, your station by your FCC call sign (if available), vessel name and
the state registration number, at both the beginning and at the end of the message.
Prohibited Communications
You MUST NOT transmit:
False distress or emergency messages.
Messages containing obscene, indecent or profane language.
General calls, signals or messages (messages not addressed to a particular
station) on Channel 16, except in an emergency or if you are testing your radio.
When you are on land.
Nothing Comes Close to a Cobra


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