6. Specifications
< Environmental specification >
M o d e l n u m b e r
Service environment
A m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e
Storage temperature
Relative humidity
P o we r s u p p l y
<APG001Z network specification >
S t a t i o n t y p e
N u m b e r o f o c c u p i e d
s t a t i o n s
Maximum FLN device
Communication baud rate
Bias resistor and termination
Terminal block
7. Warranty
Any part of APOGEE ® FLN communication option that is proved to be defective will be repaired
free of charge under the following conditions:
1. This product will be repaired free of charge, if problem/fault occurs under normal handling
within one year of delivery and is caused obviously by a design or manufacturing defect.
2. The warranty applies only to the delivered product.
3. For the following kinds of failure or damage, the repair cost shall be borne by the customer
even within the warranty period.
i) Failure or damage caused by improper or incorrect use or handling, or unauthorized repair
or modification of the inverter.
ii) Failure or damage caused by the unit falling or an accident during transportation after the
iii) Failure or damage caused by fire, salty water or wind, corrosive gas, earthquake, storm or
flood, lightning, abnormal voltage supply, or other natural disasters.
iv) Damage due to the use of APOGEE ® FLN communication option for non-intended
4. If an additional warranty is provided then those conditions will also apply.
A P G 0 0 1 Z
Conforms to VF-PS1
Conforms to VF-PS1
Conforms to VF-PS1
Conforms to VF-PS1
Conforms to VF-PS1
2 4 V D C s u p p l i e d f r o m t h e i n v e r t e r
R e m o t e d e v i c e s t a t i o n
1 s t a t i o n o c c u p i e d b y 1 u n i t
32 FLN devices to each FLN port of the Field Cabinet.
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800bps
Local bias resistors are mounted.
Termination resistor (120 ohm) can be select by SW.
Detachable terminal block 4-pole (5.08mm pitch)
Type-Form : MSTB 2,5/4-STF-5.08
- 14E -
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