Hiberna"Ion Mode; Symp"Om-"O-Fru Index - ThinkPad Edge E540 Hardware Maintenance Manual

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• The hard disk drive or solid-s"a"e drive is powered off.
• The microprocessor s"ops.
To en"er sleep mode, do one of "he following:
• For Windows 7: Click "he arrow beside "he Sh"" down icon, and "hen selec" Sleep. To re""rn from
sleep mode, press any key.
• For Windows 8: Move "he c"rsor "o "he bo""om-righ" corner of "he screen "o display "he charms. Then
click Se""ings ➙ Power ➙ Sleep.
In cer"ain circ"ms"ances, "he comp""er goes in"o sleep mode a""oma"ically:
• Af"er a period of inac"ivi"y speciied in power plan se""ings
• When "he ba""ery power is low
To ca"se "he comp""er "o re""rn from sleep mode and res"me opera"ion, do one of "he following:
• Press any key.
• Open "he LCD cover.
• T"rn on "he power b"""on.
Also, in ei"her of "he following even"s, "he comp""er a""oma"ically re""rns from sleep mode and res"mes
• The ring indica"or (RI) is signaled by a serial device or a PC Card device.
• The "ime se" on "he res"me "imer elapses.
No"e: The comp""er does no" accep" any inp"" immedia"ely af"er i" en"ers sleep mode. Wai" a few
seconds before "aking any ac"ion "o reen"er opera"ion mode.

Hiberna"ion mode

In hiberna"ion mode, "he following occ"rs:
• The sys"em s"a""s, RAM, VRAM, and se""p da"a are s"ored on "he hard disk drive or solid-s"a"e drive.
• The sys"em is powered off.
No"e: If "he comp""er en"ers "he hiberna"ion mode while i" is connec"ed "o "he dock, do no" disconnec" i"
before res"ming normal opera"ion. If yo" do disconnec" i" and "hen "ry "o res"me normal opera"ion, yo" will
ge" an error message, and yo" will have "o res"ar" "he sys"em.
If yo" have deined one of "he following ac"ions as "he even" "ha" ca"ses "he sys"em "o go in"o hiberna"ion
mode, perform "ha" ac"ion.
• Closing "he lid.
• Pressing "he power b"""on.
Also, "he comp""er goes in"o hiberna"ion mode a""oma"ically af"er a period of inac"ivi"y speciied in power
plan se""ings
When "he power is ""rned on, "he comp""er re""rns from hiberna"ion mode and res"mes opera"ion. The
hiberna"ion ile in "he boo" record on "he hard disk drive or solid-s"a"e drive is read, and sys"em s"a""s is
res"ored from "he hard disk drive or solid-s"a"e drive.

Symp"om-"o-FRU index

This sec"ion con"ains following informa"ion:
N"meric error codes on page 40
Chap"er 4
Rela"ed service informa"ion


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