Changing Admin Password & Registering User - WebGate webeye 2.0 b101 Installation Manual

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5.5. Changing admin password & Registering user
Administrator's ID is fixed as "admin", and the default admin password of WebEye 2.0 B101 is "admin".
The ID can't be changed, but only password can be changed.
(1) Press the "Change" button.
(2) When the related dialogue is shown, enter old password & new password and press the "OK"
(3) Press the "Apply" button.
User account can be registered upto 4 users. Default user accounts are guest, user1, user2, and user3.
(1) Check the "Use" for using account.
(2) Enter user ID.
(3) Set password after pressing the "Change" button.
(4) Mic, PTZ, or Channel use authorities can be set in "Security
(5) Press the "Apply" button.
Authority" menu.


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