Review Tes�T Res�Ults� In Memory - A.MENARINI GLUCOMEN LX User Manual

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Test results greater than 13.3 mmol/L may mean high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia). Test results lower
than 3.3 mmol/L may mean low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). If you obtain results in these ranges, retest
your blood glucose.
If your reading is still in these ranges, you should treat yourself as advised by your healthcare professional
and/or contact your healthcare professional immediately.

yOUr TeS�T reS�UlT
LX - 38973 - 09/07
revieW TeS�T reS�UlTS� in MeMOry
If a test strip is inserted while in the Data Review mode, the meter immediately switches
to test mode.
To review test results that are stored in memory, start with the meter in the off position.
The meter is in the off position when the screen is completely blank. To turn off the
meter, hold the Mode
button down until the screen goes blank then release the
1. With the meter off, press the Mode
button. The most recent test result should
display. If there are NO results in memory, the screen displays 3 dashes.
2. Press the Left/Right
button to view all the data in memory. The Left arrow
goes back in time and the Right arrow goes forward in time. All results including
control results, marked results, and unmarked results can be viewed.
3. At the end of reviewing individual test results, the screen displays End Mem.
For data averaging, HI results (>33.3 mmol/L) and LO results (<1.1 mmol/L) are not
LX - 38973 - 09/07


Table of Contents

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