Replying To Messages - Mitel Speech Server User Manual

Attendant / unified messaging
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Mitel Networks Speech Server
"Reply to all"
"Call him / her back"
"Repeat" or "Play again"
5. Say "Messenger" to return to the main menu.
To listen to old voice mails from a certain time period, say "Play old voice mails sent since
the last four days." You must give a number of minutes, hours, or days; do not give the
date. The number can not be greater than 10.
To listen to an old message (e-mail, voice mail or fax) from Person A (listed in your Personal
Directory), received sometime in the last 7 days, say "Play old e-mail from Person A,
received since the last 7 days."
To listen to messages from Person X, say "Find messages," and then when prompted,
say " Person X."

Replying to Messages

After listening to a message, you can reply either to the message sender only, or to the message
sender and all other recipients. The system can deliver a reply to any e-mails received. The
system can also deliver a reply to a voice mail message if the sender's e-mail address is listed
in either the Company Directory or the Personal Directory.
To reply to a message
1. After hearing the message, say "Reply" or "Reply to all."
2. At the prompt, record your message.
When you have finished recording your message, you can
Review the message
Modify the recipient list
Deliver the message.
Reply to sender and all other recipients
Call the message sender
Repeat the current message
Skip the current message and leave it marked as "read"/"unread"
Mark the current message as "read" and play the next message
Play the previous message.


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