Jayco 2016 PINNACLE User Manual page 96

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cylinders full of propane, turn the lever on the regulator towards the cylinder you wish to
use first. This will now be the "supply" cylinder and the other the "reserve." Slowly open
both cylinder valves. The indicator on top of the regulator will turn bright green. When the
cylinder becomes empty, the indicator will change to bright orange. Now turn the regulator
lever to the side of the "reserve" cylinder and the green signal should return. You may now
remove the empty cylinder to have it refilled without interrupting the flow from the full
bottle. After filling the cylinder, connect the pigtail hose and slowly open the bottle valve.
sing The Propane System
After your recreation vehicle is completely set up and you are prepared for camping
enjoyment, use the following steps for propane operation:
Close ALL burner valves, controls and pilot light valves.
Open the main valve in the propane tank slowly to avoid a fast rush of propane vapor
through the excess flow valve causing propane "freeze-up." Should you experience
propane "freeze-up," close the main valve and wait 15 minutes before trying again.
Listen carefully as propane begins to flow. If a hissing noise is heard for more than one
or two seconds, close the main valve and contact your recreation vehicle dealer to have
the propane system tested.
Light the appliances as needed and directed in the appropriate appliance manufacturer's
owner manual located in the Warranty Packet.
Keep the propane container valves closed at all times unless you are using the propane gas
system or are having the propane container filled.
Make sure that you read and fully understand ALL safety requirements for handling
and operation of the propane system.
The Warranty Packet contains manufacturer's user guides for the various appliances hooked
to your propane system.
The propane system provides added benefits to your camping enjoyment; however, it must
be handled with care. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with your dealer and/
or the specific manufacturer.
If you have double cylinders on your recreation vehicle, use only one at a time. Otherwise,
the propane supply will be drawn equally from both cylinders until the supply has been
totally exhausted. Using one cylinder until it is empty, then using the second cylinder will
allow you to fill the empty cylinder at your convenience without running totally out of
alculating Propane Gas Usage
It is important to remember that your furnace, refrigerator, water heater and range all may
use propane gas to operate. Each has a different BTU rating, and you will need to consider
them to determine how long your propane supply will last. Most RV gas appliances are
operated intermittently. Propane consumption depends on individual use of appliances
and the length of time operated. Unless there is heavy use of hot water, the water heater
consumption of propane is minimal. During cool temperature or high wind conditions,
furnace consumption can be extremely high.
To calculate your propane supply, take the BTU ratings for your propane appliances and
divide that into the BTU availability. Each gallon of propane gas (3.785 liters) produces
about 91,500 BTU's (96,528 kilojoules) of heat energy.


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