Sound Active Mode; Auto Run Mode - ADJ MEGA 64 HEX PAK User Instructions

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Mega 64 HEX Pak
2. To run your fixture in DMX mode press the MODE button until
"d.XXX" is displayed. "XXX" represents the current displayed ad-
dress. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to select your desired DMX
address, then press the SETUP button to select your DMX
Channel mode.
3. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to scroll through the DMX Channel
modes. The Channel modes are listed below:
• To run the 6 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until "Ch06"
is displayed. This is the 6 Channel DMX Mode.
• To run the 7 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until "Ch07"
is displayed. This is the 7 Channel DMX Mode.
• To run the 8 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until "Ch08"
is displayed. This is the 8 Channel DMX Mode.
• To run the 11 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until "Ch11"
is displayed. This is the 11 Channel DMX Mode.
• To run the 12 Channel Mode, press the MODE button until "Ch12"
is displayed. This is the 12 Channel DMX Mode.
4. Please see pages 15-22 for DMX values and traits.
5. After you have chosen your desired DMX Channel mode plug in
the fixture via the XLR connections to any standard DMX control-
RGBWA + UV Dimmer Mode:
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until:
2. When "r.XXX" is displayed you are in Red dimming mode. Press
the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity. After you have
finished adjusting the intensity, or you would like to skip to the
next color, press the SET UP button.
3. When "G.XXX" is displayed you are in Green dimming mode.
Press the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
4. When "b.XXX" is displayed you are in Blue dimming mode. Press
the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
5. When "U.XXX" is displayed you are in White dimming mode. Press
the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
6. When "A.XXX" is displayed you are in Amber dimming mode.
Press the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
7. When "u.XXX" is displayed you are in UV dimming mode. Press
the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust intensity.
ADJ Products, LLC - - Mega 64 HEX Pak User Manual Page 8
Operating Instructions
Mega 64 HEX Pak
8. After you have adjusted the RGBWA + UV colors to make your
desired color you can then activate strobing by pressing the SET
UP button to enter the Flash (strobe) mode.
9. "FS.XX" will be displayed, this is Flash mode. The Flash can be
adjusted between "FS.00" (flash off) to "FS.15" (fastest flash).

Sound Active Mode:

In this mode the Mega 64 HEX will react to sound, and chase through
the different colors.
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until "SoXX" is
displayed. "XX" represents the sound active mode (1-16) currently
displayed. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through th
sound active modes.
2. After you have found your desired sound active mode, press the
SET UP button to adjust the sound sensitivity. "SJ-X" will be dis-
played. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to adjust the sensitivity.
"SJ-1" is the lowest sensitivity, "SJ-8" is the highest.

Auto Run Mode:

There are 3 types of Auto Run Modes to choose from; Color Fade,
Color Change, and both modes running together. The running speed
is adjustable in all 3 modes.
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until either
"AFXX", "AJXX", or "A-JF" is displayed. Press the SET UP Button
to change between the 3 Auto Run modes
AFXX = Color Fade mode, there are 16 Color Fade modes to
choose from. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to scroll through the
different Auto Fade modes.
AJXX = Color Change mode, there are 16 Color Change modes to
choose from. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to scroll through the
different Auto Change modes.
A-JF = Both Color Fade and Color Change modes running.
2. After you have chosen your desired running mode press the SET
UP button until "SP.XX" is displayed. When this is displayed you
can adjust the running speed of your desired program. Use the
UP or DOWN button to adust the speed between "SP.01" (slow-
est) and "SP.16" (fastest). Once you have set your desired running
speed, press the SET UP button to return to your desired Auto
Run Mode.
ADJ Products, LLC - - Mega 64 HEX Pak User Manual Page 9
Operating Instructions


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