SoundCraft Ghost User Manual page 161

Music production console
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GHOST Application Guide
Now turn the Jog Wheel to change the number displayed in the Midi Chan field
until it shows the required channel (off,1-16). When the channel is set to ©offª,
the Ghost will not transmit or receive any note on or program change data.
When the required channel has been selected, press the DISPLAY MODE but-
ton once: the 7- segment display reverts to timecode display (the TC DISP LED
illuminates) and the message "Storing..." is displayed briefly, indicating that channel
has been memorised. This setting will be retained until it is changed again by
repeating the above procedure.
N N o o t t e e s s O O n n S S e e t t t t i i n n g g U U p p T T h h e e E E x x t t e e r r n n a a l l S S e e q q u u e e n n c c e e r r
l MIDI cables are required from Ghost's MIDI out to the sequencer's MIDI
in, and from the sequencer's MIDI out to Ghost's MIDI in.
l The sequencer should be set to "echo off" or "MIDI thru off", on the chan-
nel being used for the console, to avoid problems. Program change mes-
sages in particular will cause a MIDI "howl-round" if these are passed
through the sequencer from its MIDI in to out, with Ghost connected.
l Check that the MIDI channel for the sequencer track matches Ghost's
Global tx/rx channel.
l Check that the sequencer is set to send out the current note values when it
is started at any point during the song. (e.g. in Cubase, this is done by
enabling the Chase Events option). If this is not done, Ghost will not be able
to keep track of the sequencer if it is started mid-way through a song.
l Check that "auto-quantise", or "quantise on record" on your sequencer is
switched off.
l Note that when the sequencer is put into record at the start of the mix, the
PLAY button must be pressed on Ghost in order to send a snapshot of the
initial mute status to the sequencer. If this is not done, the sequencer will
not record the start of the mix.
A good way of ensuring this happens is to set the sequencer to sync to external
MIDI timecode, and set the Ghost to MTC Master mode. Click the Record but-
ton on the sequencer -it will then be in record ready mode and will wait for
timecode before starting to record. Press PLAY on Ghost, and the sequencer will
start recording, with the initialising snapshot being sent at the same time. This
way, the sequencer can be controlled from the console transport controls during
mixdown. Note: when recording in this way, you must make sure that the
left recording marker in the sequencer is set to the current timecode
value where you are starting the mix from. If this is not done, and you
try to start recording a mix from a timecode value which is not zero, the
sequencer will record the initial snapshot from Ghost at the point at which
the left record marker is currently set: which is usually close to zero. When
you press mute switches, these will be recorded in the correct place, but
your initial snapshot will not be: it will be back at the beginning some-
where.This precaution is not necessary if you do all your recording from
zero, or if you are not synchronising the sequencer to external timecode
which is generated from Ghost.
l Avoid extreme movements of several MIDI Controller faders whilst either
recording or playing back mutes into the sequencer. This will clog up the
processor with MIDI Controller data and will result in timing errors with
the mutes.
l If you experience problems in your MIDI setup with sound modules being
triggered by the mutes on the console (e.g., when the PLAY button is
pressed and the snapshot is sent out) try turning the MIDI channel to “off”
as described at the top of this page. You will of course need to turn it back
on again when you want to do automated mixing.

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