SoundCraft Ghost User Manual page 152

Music production console
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U U s s i i n n g g M M u u t t e e S S n n a a p p s s h h o o t t s s
The mute snapshot system on Ghost allows up to 128 different snapshots of the
console mute status (all channel and Mix-B mutes) to be stored in internal memo-
ry, and either recalled manually, automatically against timecode or remotely by
sending a MIDI program change to the console.
S S e e t t t t i i n n g g U U p p M M u u t t e e S S n n a a p p s s h h o o t t s s
This is best done with the tape or timecode stopped.
Press the DISPLAY MODE button (6) repeatedly until the SNAPSHOT LED
next to the switch is illuminated. This changes the 7-segment display to show a
snapshot number, and allows this to be changed.
Use either the UP/DOWN buttons (4) or the Jog Wheel (2) to select one of the
128 available snapshot numbers on the display (e.g. initially select number 1).
(Notice that the number displayed will begin to flash as soon as it has been
Now set up the required configuration of mutes on the console, and then press
the master STORE button (8). The message "Store -snapshot number- YES/NO"
appears in the display. Press the UP/YES button to confirm the store operation.
The message Storing to -snapshot number- appears briefly, and the snapshot num-
ber will then reappear, but without flashing. The mute configuration is now stored
in snapshot 1.
Note that the order in which the snapshot number is selected, and the mute configura-
tion is set up, does not matter -so the mutes could be selected first, and then a snap-
shot number chosen, before pressing the STORE button.
Now store another snapshot, selecting a different snapshot number and with a dif-
ferent configuration of mutes, using the above procedure. This process could be
continued until all the 128 snapshot numbers have been used up. The same mute
configuration can be stored to more than one snapshot if required.
l The console will retain all 128 snapshots in internal memory, even when
power is turned off.
l New snapshots can be stored over existing ones, and will replace them.
The console is shipped from the factory with all snapshots containing "All
On" configuration (ie, nothing muted).
l Three flashing dots will be seen in the snapshot number display whenever
the current mute status of the console no longer corresponds with the last
recalled snapshot. (i.e. If you recall a snapshot and then press some mute
buttons, the flashing dots will appear to indicate that something has
T T h h e e A A L L L L S S n n a a p p s s h h o o t t
The ALL snapshot is a special snapshot number which will be found between num-
ber 128 and number 1, when scrolling through the snapshot numbers with the Jog
Wheel or UP/DOWN buttons.
GHOST Application Guide

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