Typematic Rate Setting; Security Option - ROHS ITX-i7418VL User Manual

Mini itx industrial motherboard
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Gate A20 Option
It allows you to select how the Gate A20 is worked. Gate A20 is a device
used to address memory above 1 MB.
Setting: Normal, Fast (Default).

Typematic Rate Setting

When disabled, continually holding down a key on your keyboard will
generate only one instance. When enabled, you can set the two typematic
controls listed at the next.
Setting: Disabled (Default), Enabled.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
When the typematic rate is enabled, the system registers repeated
keystrokes speeds.
Setting: 6 to 30 characters per second.
Typematic Delay (Msec)
When the typematic rate is enabled, this item allows you to set the time
interval for displaying the first and second characters.
Setting: 250 (Default), 500, 750, 1000.

Security Option

It allows you to limit access to the System and Setup.
When you select System, the system prompts for the User Password every
time you boot up.
When you select Setup, the system always boots up and prompts for the
Supervisor Password only when the Setup utility is called up.
Setting: Setup (Default), System.
APIC stands for Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller.
Setting: Disabled, Enabled (Default).


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