Impediment RS-0800-LVD User Manual page 56

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RS--0800-LVD User Guide
ESI/Operator panel The ESI/Ops panel is supplied as part of the core Enclosure and provides a micro-
controller used to monitor and control all elements of the Enclosure.
Hot plugging A device with the capability of being connected to a subsystem without interrupting the
power supplies to that subsystem.
Hot swap Hot swapping is the term used for manually swapping a failed disk unit with a replacement
while the RS-0800-LVD subsystem is in normal use.
Hz (Hertz)
A frequency measurement unit used internationally to indicate cycles per second.
To prepare a hardware device for use.
I/O module A plug-in module used to connect the internal SCSI channels from the RS-0800-LVD
backplane to the rear of the enclosure.
LED Light Emitting Diode. A small light displayed on the cabinet, disk units and power supply units.
Module (power supply, drive, cooling, I/O) A module is a power supply, disk drive or electronics unit
held in a carrier that plugs into a bay inside the enclosure. A RS-0800-LVD enclosure can contain eight
drive modules, two power supply, two cooling modules and two I/O modules.
Operating System The software running the host computer. For example, on PCs it is often Windows
NT, Windows 2000, MSDOS or OS/2 while on Hewlett-Packard machines it could be HP-UX.
Parallel Transmission The transfer of data characters using parallel electrical paths for each bit of the
character, for example, 8 paths for 8-bit characters. Data is stored in computers in parallel form, but may
be converted to serial form for certain operations. See Serial Transmission.
Power Cord Throughout this RS-0800-LVD user guide this term is used in accordance with the
preferred US context of: "an insulated flexible electric wire fitted with connectors at each end and used
for the transmission of electrical power to computer equipment.
Protocol A system of rules and procedures governing communications between two or more devices.
Protocols vary, but communicating devices must follow the same protocol in order to exchange data. The
format of the data, readiness to receive or send, error detection and error correction are some of the
operations that may be defined in protocols.
Not essential.
SCSI (channel, ID, interface) Small Computer Systems Interface. A SCSI channel connects a host
computer to some or all of its peripheral devices. The channel leaves the computer at a SCSI interface
and enters the first device in the chain. On a standard channel, up to seven devices can be chained
together. Both ends of the channel are normally terminated. The SCSI ID is the address of the device on
the SCSI channel. It is set on the device using buttons. Differential and Single-ended SCSI devices
cannot be mixed on the same channel
Serial Transmission The transfer of data characters one bit at a time, sequentially, using a single
electrical path. See Parallel Transmission.


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