Introduction; Burning Solid Fuels; Shelled Corn - Cumberland Stove Works MF3800 Operation And Maintenance Manual

Multi-fuel parlor stove
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Congratulations on your investment in quality. Thank you
for purchasing a Cumberland Stove Works Multi-Fuel Parlor
Stove from Ardisam, Inc. We have worked to ensure that the
multi-fuel burning stove meets the highest standards for us-
ability and durability. With proper care, your stove will pro-
vide many years of service. Please read this entire manual
before installation and use.


Ashes need to be removed from the stove periodically. See the
"Normal Care & Maintenance" section for cleaning procedure.
The parlor stove, due to the nature of solid fuels, will require
brief periodic attention. A few moments of adjustment and
cleaning from time to time is an important part of burning
solid fuels.
This parlor stove has been designed to burn dry shelled corn,
wood pellets and cherry pits.


• corn must contain less than 14% moisture content. Wet
corn will rapidly deteriorate stove components, reduce
efficiency and void all warranties. Purchase a moisture tester
if in doubt.
• Corn must be clean and free from debris. Never burn corn
right from the field. Damage caused by dirty corn is not
covered by the product warranty. ask for screened corn
only. Stalk parts, excessive fines and cob remnants will clog
the air flow holes in burn plate. Check the corn for foreign
• Store the corn supply in a dry place and keep the bags or
container sealed to prevent it from absorbing excess
moisture. Test the moisture content periodically to ensure
the proper dryness.
• There are many varieties of corn. Each variety has unique
characteristics including the shape and size of the kernel.
As corn characteristics change, the fuel range may have to
change accordingly.
page 8
neVer BUrn Seed cOrn in tHe StOVe. Seed cOrn iS
treated WitH cHeMicaL peSticideS tHat are HarMFUL
Or FataL iF SWaLLOWed. Seed cOrn iS danGerOUS tO
HaVe in tHe HOUSe, eSpeciaLLY WHere cHiLdren can
reacH it.
neVer BUrn "deer cOrn". it FreqUentLY cOntainS
dO nOt StOre iteMS SUcH aS Start peLLetS Or BUrn
GeL in parLOr StOVe Or WitHin inStaLLed cLearanceS
OF parLOr StOVe.
read tHiS entire ManUaL BeFOre YOU inStaLL and
USe tHiS StOVe. FaiLUre tO FOLLOW tHe inStrUctiOnS
MaY reSULt in prOpertY daMaGe, BOdiLY inJUrY, Or
eVen deatH.
cHiLdren and adULtS SHOULd Be aLerted tO tHe
HazardS OF HiGH SUrFace teMperatUreS and
SHOULd StaY aWaY tO aVOid BUrnS tO Skin and/Or
YOUnG cHiLdren SHOULd Be careFULLY SUperViSed
WHen tHeY are in tHe SaMe rOOM aS tHe StOVe.
cLOtHinG and OtHer FLaMMaBLe MateriaLS SHOULd
nOt Be pLaced On Or near tHiS Unit.
BUrninG OnLY cOrn WitH tHe recOMMended
MOiStUre cOntent WiLL aSSUre LOnGer StOVe LiFe
and LeSS FreqUent cLeaninG.
cUMBerLand StOVe WOrkS dOeS nOt recOMMend
BUrninG tHe StOVe On tHerMOStat MOde, eitHer
LOcaL Or reMOte, WHen BUrninG cOrn Or peLLet
BLendS. Spent aSH MateriaL WiLL BUiLd Up in tHe pOt,
inHiBit tHe iGnitOr FUnctiOn and caUSe a ViOLent
Model MF3800

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