Kipp & Zonen LAS Instruction Manual

Kipp & Zonen LAS Instruction Manual

Large aperture scintillometer
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Large Aperture Scintillometer
Instruction Manual


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Summary of Contents for Kipp & Zonen LAS

  • Page 1 Large Aperture Scintillometer Instruction Manual...
  • Page 2: Important User Information

    IMPORTANT USER INFORMATION Reading this entire manual is essential for full understanding of the proper use and safe operation of this product Should you have any comments on this manual we will be pleased to receive them at: Kipp & Zonen B.V. Delftechpark 36 2628 XH Delft Holland...
  • Page 3 Throughout the manual symbols are used to indicate to the user important information. The meaning of these symbols is as follows: The exclamation mark within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating, maintenance and safety information...
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    LIST OF SYMBOLS.........................5 SYMBOLS............................5 ABBREVIATIONS ..........................6 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ....................7 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO LAS-BET AND LAS-RET SYSTEMS ............7 1.2 MANUAL ............................10 2. TECHNICAL DATA......................11 2.1 LAS / XLAS ..........................11 2.2 WEATHER STATION AND SENSORS ..................11 2.3 RF TELEMETRY LINK.........................
  • Page 6: List Of Symbols

    [V] ( ) [-5 V to 0 V] demodulated signal [V] (U = I) [-1 V to 0 V] DEMOD DEMOD wind direction [ (effective) height LAS or XLAS [m] aerodynamic roughness length [m] height wind speed measurements [m]...
  • Page 7: Abbreviations

    DEMOD DEMOD σ of U ABBREVIATIONS Basic Evapo-Transpiration system (X)LAS (eXtra) Large Aperture Scintillometer MOST Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory A relationship describing the vertical behavior of non-dimensionalized mean flow and turbulence properties within the Surface Layer as a function of the Monin–Obukhov key parameters.
  • Page 8: General Information

    (in-situ) measurements and therefore less representative for large (natural and therefore heterogeneous) areas. Basically, the LAS-BET and LAS-RET system consist of two parts, namely a scintillometer (LAS or a XLAS) and a weather station (developed by Theodor Friedrichs & Co). The structure parameter (C...
  • Page 9 The weather station comprises a 4 m tower and a number of sensors. In order to improve the flexibility of installation, especially the site selection of the LAS / XLAS and the meteorological tower, the LAS-RET system is equipped with a 2.4 GHz RF link. The RF link transmits...
  • Page 10 (battery and solar panel). In this way the user is able to place the meteorological station up to 5km away from the LAS / XLAS receiver, preferably near the centre of the path of the LAS / XLAS or at another representative spot.
  • Page 11: Manual

    RF telemetry link between LAS / XLAS receiver and weather station . Advantages of the RF link: the site selection of the weather station with respect to the LAS / XLAS is more flexible; ALL data is centrally stored at one location (PCMCIA flash fard).
  • Page 12: Technical Data

    2.2 WEATHER STATION AND SENSORS Table 1: Operating specifications of sensors. For detailed information see manuals of supplied sensors. Note that the LAS-BET and LAS-RET system are not supplied with a relative humidity sensor. Instead a default value is used of 50%.
  • Page 13: Rf Telemetry Link

    The LAS-BET and LAS-RET systems are not supplied with a relative humidity sensor. Instead a default value is used (50%). Note that the uncertainties in RH have little effect on the sensible heat flux and the evapotranspiration. 2.3 RF TELEMETRY LINK Table 2: Operating specifications RF telemetry and antenna.
  • Page 14: Installation And Set-Up

    3. INSTALLATION AND SET-UP 3.1 DELIVERY In general the delivery of the LAS-BET and LAS-RET includes the following items Scintillometer part: LAS-BET LAS-RET BET = Basic Evapo-Transpiration system RET = Radio Evapo-Transpiration System Flux station for measuring fluxes at field scale...
  • Page 15 EVATION software (supplied on 1 CD) • Additional algorithms for EVATION • Instruction manuals of supplied sensors and components • 1 CD containing original COMBILOG programs with calibration coefficients, pdf file of LAS-system manual, xstreamCTU software) Depending on LAS-BET / LAS-RET configuration...
  • Page 16: Step By Step Installation Procedure

    A spot that is representative for the area of interest, away from forest edges or other rough surface elements. • A spot, which is preferably near the centre of the path of the scintillometer (as the LAS / XLAS is most sensitive in the centre of its path). •...
  • Page 17: Installing Las / Xlas

    LAS / XLAS. These are: The LAS/XLAS must be placed on a robust and vibration free contruction. Avoid saturation of the signal by installing the LAS / XLAS at a minimum level (depends on surface conditions and path length).
  • Page 18 12 VDC / ~0.3 A 12 VDC / ~4 A (+ heaters) Figure 4: Required power supplies for LAS-BET system: 1 for the LAS-Transmitter and 1 for the LAS- Receiver + data logger and sensors. LAS - Transmitter LAS - Receiver 12 VDC / ~0.2 A...
  • Page 19: Installing Weather Station

    - A clear line-of-sight path between the antenna in the tower and the antenna at the LAS-receiver site in order to have a reliable RF telecommunication link. - The site must NOT be located near commercial transmitters as their powerful signal can overwhelm the RF radio modem leading to communication problems.
  • Page 20: Installation Of Mast And Mounting Of Sensors Installation of mast and mounting of sensors The mast is pre-assembled, still horizontally on the ground in accordance with dimension sketch shown in Figure 11. Hereby care has to be taken that the admissible clamping zone is not exceeded (indicated by an upper and lower mark with red stripes in between for each section).
  • Page 21 Figure 8: Protect all antenna connectors from water using self-amalgamating tape. The complete guys, consisting of 3 wires and 1 collar, incl. accessories, are supplied pre-assembled. The lower guy ends are 0.3 m longer than theoretically required in order to balance the mast on an uneven surface.
  • Page 22 Figure 10: Fine adjustment of the spanner for levelling the mast. Important: The wire tension has to be moderate and equal. By no means bending forces are allowed to be applied to the mast! Important: It is very important to check the anchoring for correct and tight position, frequently.
  • Page 23 ± 4.4 m U-cross arm Wind direction (WD) ± 4.2 m U-cross arm Antenna ± 3.5 m To LAS-Receiver ± 2.7 m Air Temperature (upper Two-sided cross arm Opposite of radiation sensor level) (T Net radiation (Q* or R ± 2.7 m Two-sided cross arm South on N.
  • Page 24 Lightning rod Wind speed Wind direction Antenna Net radiation Temperature 0.45m 1.2m 1.7m !! Temperature Solar panel ~ 0.6m !! Steel housing Earth pin Figure 12: Overview of 4 m mast equipped with sensors, antenna, solar panel and steel enclosure for data logger, power supply (battery) and RF modem.
  • Page 25: Mounting Enclosure, Solar Panel And Connecting Wires

    Earth nails Guys T/RH sensor on 2-sided arm Steel enclosure Mast and base plate Solar panel Net radiation sensor Figure 13: 4 m mast seen from above, showing the orientation of the sensors, enclosure, arms and guys. The last sensors that have to be installed are the soil heat flux plates. Place them at the same side of the mast where the net radiation sensor is mounted, preferably at a spot that is not disturbed by footsteps.
  • Page 26 As final step we recommend to fill in the Installation Form of the LAS-system (see APPENDIX 5 – INSTALLATION FORM). This Installation Form will be used to configure the EVATION software (see...
  • Page 27 Figure 15: Overview of steel enclosure of weather station with RF-Telemetry link (LAS-RET system). The data from the LAS/XLAS is collected by the MASTER COMBILOG via the RF-telemetry link (i.e. via the RF modem and the RS-485 port of the COMBILOG).
  • Page 28 Figure 17: Operational weather station of LAS-RET system.
  • Page 30: Software

    4. SOFTWARE The software required for the LAS-BET / LAS-RET system consists of the following software programs: 1. COMBILOG support software To (re)configurate COMBILOG data loggers 2. PCI Swap-box Software Drivers and manual for PCMCIA FLASH Memory Card reader 3. CardWare (PCCard Control) To read PCMCIA FLASH Memory Cards 4.
  • Page 31 COMBILOG data logger, i.e. MASTER or SLAVE, one or more COMBILOG data loggers will appear on screen (typical names are “Weather Station” and/or “LAS”). If the PC is connected to the RS-232 of the SLAVE, the MASTER data logger will not be visible! •...
  • Page 32: Original Combilog Module Settings And Programs

    4.1.2 Original COMBILOG module settings and programs Depending on the LAS-BET / LAS-RET configuration either 1 or 2 (or more) COMBILOG data loggers are included in the system. The data logger(s) are pre-configured by Kipp & Zonen and will automatically start measuring once connected to a power supply. If necessary the user can re- configure the data loggers using the COMBILOG support software, e.g.
  • Page 33 B. LAS system without RF telemetry link (= LAS-BET, see Figure 2) B.1 Original configuration COMBILOG (Type 1020, MASTER) (see Figure 20): Location: LAS-BET Name: Kipp Filter freq.: 50Hz or 60Hz rejection Auto off: Disabled LED: Enabled Address: Protocol: Profibus/ASCII...
  • Page 34: Pci-Swap-Box Software

    Figure 21: COMBILOG module settings ‘LAS’. 4.2 PCI-SWAP-BOX SOFTWARE The PCI-SwapBox software is part of the PCMCIA card reader package and is intended for desktop computers that are not equipped with a PCMCIA card reader. The installation involves two steps: the hardware installation of the reader in the desktop PC and the software installation of the drivers.
  • Page 35: Pcmcia Flash Memory Card Software (Cardware)

    4.3 PCMCIA FLASH MEMORY CARD SOFTWARE (CardWare) In order to read the PCMCIA flash memory cards using either a standard built-in PCMCIA card reader (applies to most portable computers) or the PCI SwapBox reader (see section 4.2, applies to most desktop computers), the user has to install the provided CardWare software.
  • Page 36: Evation Data Processing Software

    EVATION software can process the collected data to fluxes of sensible heat and evaporation. The EVATION software can organise and process data for multiple LAS-BET / LAS-RET stations (using selectable working directories, which in turn consist of in/output and configuration directories).
  • Page 37: Installing Modified Algorithms

    Figure 24: EVATION – LAS EVApoTranspiratION software. 4.4.2 Installing Modified Algorithms Depending on the configuration of the LAS-system, the user may have to install an additional modified algorithm, which is required for the data processing to fluxes. EVATION is equipped with a default algorithm, specially designed for the LAS-BET / LAS-RET systems.
  • Page 38: Getting Started

    EVATION is a user-friendly software program that allows the user to process LAS measurements to surface fluxes of sensible heat and evaporation. Before the data of a LAS-system can be processed to fluxes, first some configurations have to be set in EVATION. The configuration involves a number of small steps (see Figure 26).
  • Page 40: Operation

    5. OPERATION Once the LAS / XLAS and the weather station are installed and connected to a power source, the data logger of the LAS-BET / LAS-RET system will automatically start measuring. All COMBILOG data loggers are pre-configured by Kipp & Zonen start automatically when connected to a power source.
  • Page 41 -1000 to 0 mV Demod Standard deviation of signal strength (U Std Demod Demod The LAS-BET and RET system are not supplied with a humidity sensor. Instead a default value of 50% is used (the default value can be easily altered).
  • Page 42: Via Display Of Combilog

    Turn knob counter clockwise 5.2 CALIBRATION COEFFICIENTS Some of the sensors of the LAS-BET / LAS-RET system are supplied with calibration certificates, e.g. the radiation sensors, the soil heat flux plates and PT100 temperature sensors. The calibration constants can be found in either the separate instruction manuals or in the original COMBILOG data logger programs, which is programmed into the COMBILOG’s internal memory.
  • Page 43: Data Files

    The number of columns (in this case 15) is constant and independent of the sensor configuration of the LAS-system. In case fewer sensors are used dummy values are placed (-9999) in the ‘empty’ columns of the specific missing sensor. Note that the columns may not be interchanged! A more...
  • Page 44: Maintenance

    6. MAINTENANCE To be certain that the quality of the measurements is of high standard, care must be taken with the maintenance of the weather station. A visual inspection routine of the weather station, at regular intervals (~2 weeks) is therefore highly recommended (for more information go to APPENDIX 6 – INSPECTION PROCEDURE).
  • Page 46: Trouble Shooting

    7. TROUBLE SHOOTING The guidelines given in APPENDIX 6 – INSPECTION PROCEDURE help you to maintain the LAS- BET / LAS-RET system and if necessary to isolate “hardware” related problems such as: • Power source problems of the weather station (e.g. short circuits, blown fuses, loose cables, battery status, etc) •...
  • Page 47: Appendix 1 - Testing Rf Telemetry Link

    5. Power Radio1 and Radio2 using the supplied power adapters or 9V battery clips. Figure 30: Hardware set-up for RF communication test between Radio1 (located at weather station site) and Radio2 (located at LAS-Receiver site). Procedure for testing RF communication link between the selected sites of the weather station and the LAS-Receiver: 1.
  • Page 48 3. Go to "Com Test" tab. 4. Check the box in the "RSSI" section to enable its display (Figure 32). 5. Choose the "Loop Back" option in the "Com Direction" section (Figure 32). 6. Click the "Start" button to begin the range test (Figure 32). 7.
  • Page 50: Appendix 2 - Dip Switch Settings Rf Modem

    • Advanced addressing capabilities, such as DT and HP (see below) • In case two or more LAS-RET stations are operational within several kilometres and the user(s) experience communication problems, the following settings can be modified: • Module Address (DT): Used to set the Module Address of the module. Only modules with the same Module Address can communicate.
  • Page 51 Figure 33: Configuration screen and default settings of supplied RF modems.
  • Page 52: Appendix 3 - Mounting Antennas

    Warning: Do not install antennas near power lines. Serious electrocution hazard exists. You can be killed! The supplied antenna for the radio modem at the LAS receiver side is a 16 dBi Vagi-type (2.4 GHz system) directional antenna, specifically designed to transmit in one particular direction allowing long range applications.
  • Page 53 Avoid rain inside the antenna connectors. Use self-amalgamating tape to waterproof all connectors. It is highly recommended to first test the RF link before installing the LAS / XLAS and weather station! Important: This radio equipment is approved only for mobile and base station transmitting devices, separation distances of ( ) 20 centimeters or more for antennas with gains <...
  • Page 54: Appendix 4 - Serial Port Connections

    APPENDIX 4 – SERIAL PORT CONNECTIONS Figure 36: Standard RS-232 (DB-9) DCE connector and pin numbering. 1. Computer ↔ COMBILOG Computer COMBILOG (DB-9 Female) Pin 3 RX (RS-232 Receive) Pin 2 TX (RS-232 Transmit) Pin 5 Com (RS-232 Common) 2. Computer ↔ RF Modem (modem in RS-232 configuration) Computer RF Modem (DB-9 Female)
  • Page 56: Appendix 5 - Installation Form

    APPENDIX 5 – INSTALLATION FORM Important: It is highly recommend to fill this form immediately after the installation of the LAS-system, as most of these parameters are required for the EVATION data processing software! Date: …………………… [Year/Month/Day] Installed by: ……………………...
  • Page 57 …………………… [-] LAS/XLAS This corresponds to a distance of: …………………… [m] (See LAS Instruction Manual section 3.8 for conversion units to meters) Exact path length (according to a GPS or map): …………………… [m] Distance LAS-Receiver to Weather station: …………………… [m]...
  • Page 58 The accuracy of the fluxes of sensible heat and evaporation depends strongly on the mean height of the LAS above the surface. In case the area is completely flat the average beam height can be easily derived from the Transmitter height and the Receiver height. In case the area is very complex (such as shown in Figure 37) it becomes more difficult to determine the effective height of the LAS / XLAS.
  • Page 59 Table 6: Example of the cross section of a LAS set-up. These data points are used in EVATION to determine the effective height of the LAS (see Figure 37). Elevation in Distance from Height of LAS in respect to reference...
  • Page 60: Appendix 6 - Inspection Procedure

    APPENDIX 6 – INSPECTION PROCEDURE Every time one visits the weather station and the LAS (preferably at a 2 week interval) it is recommended to follow the inspection procedure given here: 1. Check the power supply of the weather station (Solar panel and battery) Check if the green LED labelled “RUN”...
  • Page 61 Earthing Solar panel 12 VDC Battery plus external fuse Steel enclosure weather station Figure 38: Location of fuses in enclosure of LAS-RET (1: Power terminal; 2: Solar controler; 3: Battery). RS232 Pressure sensor To PC LAS- Receiver + Sensors...
  • Page 62 Therefore, check the wind speed on the display and verify this by looking at the rotations of the sensor itself. If one of the LAS channels shows –9999 check the LAS (see step 8). If the LAS channels show ‘no answer’ check the RF telemetry link (see step 4).
  • Page 63 The RF telemetry link can also be verified by looking at the LAS / XLAS channels on the display of the COMBILOG. If the LAS channels say ‘no answer’ the RF link is not working. If this is case check: •...
  • Page 64 In necessary replace broken fuses (and solve short-circuit problems) (see Figure 38). b) The display shows –9999: This means that the power supply of the RF modem is working fine. The problem is likely related to power source or signal strength problems of the LAS / XLAS. Proceed as follows:...
  • Page 65 An unstable mounting construction for the LAS can regularly lead to a misalignment of the LAS. c) The display shows realistic values: This indicates that the LAS is working fine. Check if the signal strength (= Demod or U ) is demod stable and similar to the value when the LAS was installed and optically aligned.
  • Page 66: Appendix 7 - Setting Date / Time Combilog

    APPENDIX 7 – SETTING DATE / TIME COMBILOG There are two ways to change the date/time of the COMBILOG data logger. First, by using the COMBLOG support software. Second, manually using the press/rotary knob on the COMBILOG data logger. 1. Automatically using the COMBILOG support software Figure 41: Synchronize date/time of the COMBILOG data logger using the PC date/time.
  • Page 67 Combilog 1020+ Service mode U 3.xx normal Combilog 1020+ U 3.xx Weather station Adr. : 1 19200N Date: Time: Auto. off: OFF LEDs: LOG: 0 253kb free: Scan Rate: Averaging: 10m PCMCIA: 1904kb free: 100d Display Contrast adjust? Chan 1 xx [units] Input...
  • Page 68 Step 2: Setting of date / time Go to “Date: YY.MM.DD / Time: HH.MM.SS” in the main menu and press the knob briefly. Select between “Set Date” and “Set Time” (rotate knob). By pressing the knob briefly the date/time can be changed.
  • Page 70: Appendix 8 - Format Pcmcia Flash Memory Cards

    APPENDIX 8 – FORMAT PCMCIA FLASH MEMORY CARDS To format a Flash Memory Card for COMBILOG data loggers follow the following steps: 1. Insert the PCMCIA flash memory card into your card reader. 2. Start CardWare software (PCCard Control). 3. Go to taskbar Cards and click on Open MCView Main Window. Figure 45: The memory Cards Viewer MCView is a control utility that enables special memory card operations to format Flash Memory Cards for usage in the COMBILOG.
  • Page 71: Appendix 9 - Connection Plan Las-Bet & Las-Ret

    APPENDIX 9 – CONNECTION PLAN LAS-BET & LAS-RET Figure 47: Connection plan LAS-BET system.
  • Page 73 Figure 48: Connection plan weather station LAS-RET system.
  • Page 74 Figure 49: Connection plan scintillometer LAS-RET system.
  • Page 75 Our customer support remains at your disposal for any maintenance or repair, calibration, supplies and spares. Für Servicearbeiten und Kalibrierung, Verbrauchsmaterial und Ersatzteile steht Ihnen unsere Customer Support Abteilung zur Verfügung. Notre service 'Support Clientèle' reste à votre entière disposition pour tout problème de maintenance, réparation ou d'étalonnage ainsi que pour les accessoires et pièces de rechange.

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