Tandy DCM-7 Operation Manual page 43

300-bps intelligent modem
Table of Contents


Appendix A
0, o
Originate mode operation
The Modem will always operate in originate mode when cold-started (initial
power-up). Use origipate mode when you want to call a time-sharing net-
work, like CompServe. You can also use this mode to force the Modem to
automatically dial a telephone number for you while in automatic mode.
This code will change the TYPE =
line in the listing to TYPE = 0
(originate type modem) while the A command changes the line to TYPE= A
(answer type modem).
Monitor speaker on/ off toggle
Use this command to control the on/off condition of the built-in monitor
speaker. Since the Modem powers up with the speaker ON, you can monitor
the telephone line signal (dialing tone, ring back tone, busy tone, carrier tone
etc.) through the speaker during dialing mode. For quiet dialing, turn the
speaker OFF by entering
® .
line in the list setting will show
SPKR = N. Enter
again to turn it ON. SPKR = N will change to
Self-test command
This command forces the DCM-7 to enter the self-test mode to "talk to it-
self" when the X command is issued. With this feature, you will be able to
tell if the Modem is functioning correctly. This self-test neither tests nor ana-
lyzes the condition of your telephone lines, since data transmitted from the
computer is looped back through only the Modem's circuitry.
When power is first applied, the listing line TEST = N tells you that the
Modem is not selected to go into self-test mode. When you input Q, the line
reads TEST= Y. The Modem is ready to enter the self-test mode upon exit-
ing the command receptive state with the X command. You can then test
to see if typed characters are displayed on the screen.
During the self-test mode, the TRANSMIT DATA and RECEIVED DAT A
indicators flash almost at the same time everytime you input characters.
To exit self-test mode, input the abort code CTRL 0 and the Modem goes
OFF LINE. To return to command receptive state, enter the wake-up com-


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