Standby Mode; Dhw Mode; Combined Mode; Heating Mode - BaltGaz NEVALUX-8224 User Manual

Wall-hung combi gas boiler with forced heat carrier circulation
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Scheme. 4 sequence of the boiler's operating modes change

Standby mode

In the standby mode, when the boiler is waiting for the user's commands, the symbol
display. The boiler is not in operation, but the possibility of switching on the antifreeze functions (see
p.3.3.1, page 10) and parameters programming (see p. 13.3.1, page 30) remains.

3. 2.2. DHW mode

In the DHW mode the boiler is operating only for the DHW system. The boiler ignores the signals of the
room thermostat and the CH temperature sensor (see p. 3.3.3, page 10). If hot water is not used, the
is constantly shown on display. When hot water is used, the symbol
The water temperature regulation range is 30 ÷ 60
CAUTION! The possibility of set temperature maintenance in the DHW mode is limited by the
boiler's minimal heating effect - 8,9 kW. So in case of higher water temperature by the DHW inlet
(during the summer season) and its small consumption the temperature by the DHW outlet might be
much higher than the set one. In order to reduce water temperature in this case you need to increase
its flow through the DHW. This aspect of the boiler's operation is not a failure and permits to save
the principal possibility of the boiler's operation in DHW mode in given conditions.

3. 2. 3. Combined mode

In the combined mode the boiler operates both for heating and DHW. While operating in this mode the
boiler operates in the heating mode (the symbol
If hot water is used, the boiler automatically switches to the DHW mode (the symbol
and the symbol
is flickering).

3.2. 4. Heating mode

In the heating mode the boiler operates only for the heating system. The boiler ignores the signal from the
DHW flow sensor ( see p. 13.1, page 27). In this mode the symbol
heating system temperature regulation range is 30 ÷ 85
З.З. Additional functions
The boiler is equipped with additional functions that may be used under several operation modes. These
functions provide additional safety and easiness in exploitation and in the boiler's maintenance service.

Antifreeze function

The antifreeze function is an inserted safety system, which automatically launches the boiler in the heating
mode when the heat carrier's temperature in the heating system reduces for less than + 8 °С and switches
the boiler off when the heat carrier's temperature reaches the level of + 30 °С. This mode is activated
automatically in case if the following conditions are fulfilled:
The boiler is connected to the power line and to the gas pipeline;
The boiler is not in blocked position because of failure;
The pressure in the heating system corresponds with the set parameters.

Anti-blocking function

The pump anti-blocking function permits to exclude blocking of the pump shaft in and protect the 3 way
valve stem from oxidization in case of boiler's long-term idleness. This function works only in standby
mode. Once in 24 hours the pump is launched for 15 seconds and switching the 3 way valve over occurs.
DHW mode
Combined mode
are shown on display. If there is no water flow in the water supply line the
is flickering and the symbol
Heating mode
is shown on
is flickering.
is glowing).
is glowing,
is flickering on display. The
Technical staff manual


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