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Star Micronics NP-345 Product Specifications page 48


17) NV bit image pattern registration
Code:• k 1D• l h• { • k
Registers the data specified by n for pages (0 – 2) as NV bit image pattern.
* It is necessary to write the data to be registered in the page 0 – 2. Printing is not needed.
* It is only one pattern to be registered.
* The registered data is effective until it is re-registered, the firmware is downloaded or NV
bit image is registered.
* Once registered, the NV bit image pattern is registered until registered again.
* Once registered, power on/off or printer initialization does not clear the data.
18) NV bit image pattern lay over
Code: [1Bh + [46]h + n
Specifies if the previously registered NV bit image pattern should be laid over to print (OR
print), at printing the data by Print page feed <FF>.
* n means as follows:
‚ Ž
Clears lay over
Sets lay over
* This command specification is effective until it is reset or the power is set off.
* The default value of n is 0.
19) Barcode print/edit < GS b n1 nx1 nx2 nx3 ny1 ny2 ny3 n4 Dn LF >
Code: [1D]h• { [62]h• { n1• { nx1• { nx2• { nx3• { ny1• { ny2• { ny3• { n4• { Dn• { [0A]h
Selects barcode structure and print/edit
* Selects the following barcode structure by n1 value:
Barcode structure
'0' UPC-A
'1' UPC-E
'2' JAN-13(EAN-13)
'3' JAN-8(EAN-8)
'4' CODE39
'5' ITF
* Specifies x axis (mm) for print/edit position by nx1, nx2 and nx3 and y axis (mm) by ny1,
ny2 and ny3. It specifies in the same manner as Print/edit position setting.
* The following rotation is specified by n4 value.
0 degree
90 degree
270 degree
* Dn indicates the character code to be printed.
* If the character code (Dn) cannot be printed, the data after the code is treated as the
non-specified data.
* If a barcode is selected with character volume fixed, it needs to match to the character
* If the barcode exceeds the size of page, it is not printed.
* The print/edit position for the general characters does not move after barcode print/edit.
54• l h• { n
< ESC F n >
14, 16
< GS T n >
*• k '0'• ... n• ... '2'• l
* ['0'• ... n• ... '1']
* ['0'• ... n1• ... '6']
*['0'• ... n4• ... '2']
*['000'• ... nx1nx2nx3• ... '148']
*['000'• ... ny1ny2ny3• ... '148']

