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Star Micronics NP-345 Product Specifications page 45


9) Line space setting
Code: [1B]h + [41]h + n1 + n2
Make a setting for line space for characters.
* The line space that can be set is n1n2 (mm).
* The default value of n1n2 is '00'.
10) Width enlarge print setting <ESC W n >
Code: [1B]h + [57]h + n
Sets the width enlargement number for the following print/edit characters.
The enlargement by n value is:
X 1
X 2
X 3
X 4
11) Vertical enlargement setting < ESC s n >
Code: [1B]h + [77]h + n
Sets the height enlargement number for the following print/edit characters.
The enlargement by n value is:
X 1
X 2
X 3
X 4
12) Width/height enlargement settings
Code: [1B]h + [67]h + n1 + n2
Sets the width/height enlargement for the next print/edit characters. * ['1'• ... n2• ... '4']
* Sets the width enlargement value by n1 value. (same manner with section 10 above)
* Sets the height enlargement value by n2 value. (same manner with section 11 above)
13) Double width enlarge print setting with auto reset < SO w >
Code: [0E]h + [77]h
Double width setting of the print/edit characters.
* The only next one character after the command will be effective and the second one and
after will be effective in the single width enlarge print settings.
14) Quadruple print setting with auto reset < SO W >
Code: [0E]h + [57]h
The next print/edit characters are enlarged (width is doubled and height is doubled)
* The only next one character after the command will be effective and the second one and
after will be effective in the single width/height enlargement settings.
* Enlargement will be made from the lower left position of each character to the upper right
<ESC A n1 n2 >
< ESC g n1 n2 >
* ['00'• ... n1n2• ... '16'>
* ['1'• ... n• ... '4']
* ['1'• ... n• ... '4']
* ['1'• ... n1• ... '4']

