Front of the DVD Recorder
rIhms the DVD Jecordel on and o_,i
CH- (channel down) - Goes to the pievious channel in tile channel list when )_m're watching TV.
CH+ (channel up) - Goes to the next channel in the channd
list when you;Je watching "I_7.
Opens and closes the disc tray.
STOP - Stops playback and/or recording.
PLAY/PAUSE - Starts playback of a disc. Pauses tecolding or playhack.
INPUT - Just like a rpv has Video Input Channels (page 20), the DVD i_corder has one Vi&,o Inptit Channel fi_r each set of INPUT
jacks. The Video
Input Channd
is the channel"
to which you tune the DVD _ecorder so you can see the pictme and hear the sound that's coming horn the component
that is colmected to the DVD recolder's INPUT jacks. I:;or example, if you connected )<lur camcorder to the Audio and Video Input jacks on the fiont of
the DVD recorder, yot_ would press the INPU'I
hutton until AV2 appears.
DVD RECORD - t?._-cords content to a DVD disc.
Front Input
DV IN - This jack is provided when you'tc crmnecfit_g a DV camcordcr darough a IEEE 1394 Firewire c_,mm fion, The DV connecfio*_ can also co*_tro[ the DV playback
usiIg the DVD Jvcordet's remot,-,
2: Audio/Video
jacks - These Nput jacks a_r provided to_ com,enlcnce whm_ you% cormecting a rcmpora_ T componen t, stlch as a camcoJde*.
S-VIDEO - Ira component
) ou'tc conl_ecthlg, such &sa camcorder, has an S-_vSdeo Otlrput jack connect it to this jack for picture qualky that is better than icguIar video
(yrlIow). Remcmbex, ,_)u _ri[I have to connec_ audio cables to hear sound.
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