RCA DRC8052NB User Manual page 18

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The audio input iacks on the audio receiver ?:ou use to connect to the DVD recorder will determine which sotlrce or input you need to select on
the A/V receJvel when you want to watch "I_/or play a disc.
319.If you have a Dolhy Digital or DTS receiver, connect a digital audio coaxial cable to the DIGI'IAL AI JDIO O[ r-[ iack on the DVD recorder and
the Digital Audio Input jack on the receJveI (cable not supplied with DVD recoider). 52)u must also adjust the Azldio setting (go to page 34 for
If your TV is capable of progressive scan, connect the DVD recorder to the TV using the COMPONENT VIDEO OUT jacks, and press the
HDMI button
on the remote to toggle between progressive scan and interlace. Please note that the component
video output
will remain at 480p even though the HDMI video output mode is 480p/Z20p/1080i,
which is displayed on the front of the unit.
Phlg the' powel cord into a_ AC outlet.
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