RCA DRC8052NB User Manual page 8

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Back of the DVD
The back of your recoider might look a litde ow_lwhdming
tt first. This section explains what goes where and
There are t'_'o sets of jacks on the back
of yore¸ DVD recorder--INPUT
jacks and OUTI)UT
Eacb jack is explained indix idually below, but tile basic idea is abotit sending and ::eceix ing infi)_madon to 17(played on o_ throtigb yore DVD recorde_
a_d disphying
tbtt R_f_rmation on yore TV screen.
INPUT -['he cables connected
to the INPI JT jacks bring picnu'es and sound IN-['O the DVD Jecordel, such as the cable signal (progralmning)
flora the
cable company or satellite programming
horn a satellite JeceiveJ.
The cables connected
to the OUTPUT
jacks ate sending pictmes and sound flora the DVD reco_del OUT TO yore -IV so you can see it on
the screen. -[be coJrect cables must be cotmected to the I)VD Jecorder's Output
jacks and the corresponding
Input Jacks on the "I_/so you can see tbe
program on the "I\( You must also ttme the "IN' to the corlect channel, called a Video Input Channel (tbr details, go to page 20).
of Jacks (from
left to right)
ANTENNA/CABLE IN - Conn_'ct an RF coaxial cable flora an oIfah
antenna, cable box, or cabk _oudet to this jack. "I'h_ _cable is sending the
flora the somce to the DVD recoider.
an RF coaxial cable (piovided) to this iack and to the Cable/Antennt
Input jack on yore T\. It is important
connect this cable so that voul, TV leceives proglalnming__ even wben the DVD lecorder is turned off
- If voul. TV has an HDMI jack, connects to your TV for high definition
video sig_ab Also piovides 2 channel audio signal when tbe audk)
output is set to PCM. See page 34. Press the HDMI button on the _emote control to toggle tile avaihble resohltions.
OUT (Digital Coaxial) - Connects to m audio _ecdver oJ decodel using a digital coaxial connection.
OUT - If your T\ has an S Video jack, connect an S\ ideo cable to the TVs S VIDEO jack and to dais S VIDEO
OU-I" jack on tbe DVD
recorder to actfieve bettel picture qu _lity dam standald video (the yegow jtck).
VIDEO OUT (¥, Pb, Pr) - Some higb end "IVs and monitoJs have Component
Video Input jacks. -[he cables that send the vi&,o signal
these Output
jacks provide the highest resolution because the video signal is divided into 3 separate pairs (cables not supplied with DVD
recorder). As with VIDEO and S-VIDEO,
(Y, Pb, Pr) only cmties the pictule signal so you need to connect tbe audio cables so
you'fl hear the sou nd. If yore "IV has COMPONENT
jacks, (lse thJee video grade canes to connect the DVD recorde_ to these jacks oil the "IV
to get tbe best picture quality.
OUTPUT -I'hese
jmks send tbe content
(radio and video) fl'om yoLIt DVD lecorde_ OUI" to tbe TV so you can see it on the TV screen md bear it
thJough the "I%_'sspeakms.
VIDEO: Color coded yellow, the video cable you use with this jack provides better quality than an RFcoaxial cable but isn't as good as S-Video.
AUDIO L (left)=Color coded white, connect corresponding audio cable to TV's Audio Left Input jack.
AUI)IO R (rlgl_th Color coded red, connect corresponding audio cable to TV's Audio Right Input jack.
AV1 IN/AUDIO IN-"I bese jacks receive audio fi'om a compatible component,
such as a s/tellite leceiver. Anotiler set of Input Jacks (INPUT
2) are on tile
fi'ont oftbe DVD recordeJ foJ temporarily com/ecting components
such as a camco_de_ o_ a video game unk.
VIDEO: Color coded yellow, the video cable you use with this jack provides better quality than an RFcoaxial cable but isn't as good asS-Video.
Connect corresponding video cable to the output jack of a compatible component, such as a satellite receiver or cable box.
AUDIO L (lefih Color coded white, connect corresponding audio cable to the output jack of a compatible component, such as a satellite receiver
or cable box.
AUDIO R (right): Color coded red, connect corresponding audio cable to the output jack of a compatible component, such as a satellite receiver
or cable box.
S-VIDEO IN: If your satellite receiver or cable box has an S-VIDEO output jack, connect the S-Video cable to this jack because it provides better
picture quality than standard video (the yellow jack).
on next page...
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