RCA DRC8052NB User Manual page 39

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I nfoH
If)vu are trydng to play a disc that was recorded oti a PC, it must have been recorded using a compatible video format. This product pla)v_DVD _ideo (MPEG2),
MPEG4, Video CDs (MPEG 1), audio CDs, or data discs (CD°R, CD-RW) wid_ jpeg pictures, mp3s, WMA files, or DivX files.
If }_u're usiilg an H DMI cable, make sure the TV is HDCP compliant. The TV must be H DCP compliat/t irl order to display the video oil the TV.
Play starts,
but then
stops immediately
The disc is dirts_ Clean it.
Coi/densation has formed hi the DVD recorder. Allow it to dry out,
The picture
is distorted
or "jumps"
disc playback
The disc might be damaged or scratdled. Tr)' anodler disc.
It is tlormal for some distortion to appear during forward or reverse scan.
The disc might be dirt> Cleatl it.
Some discahave ddbcts that caik_,e them to jump hem one scene m fl_e next.
The DVD _>cordermay be in progressive stall video mode. Press the H DMI button to toggle the available &oices. Tiy playing the disc again. Some, but ilot all High
Definition Televisions (HDTVs) and multimedia monitors use progressive scan.
Ifi_u have a progressive scan TV connected, a dight jumping of the signal is normal wheel >u first play a DVD disc. A more detailed explal/ation follows:
If you have a progressive scal/TV colmected to the DVD _>coMervia fl_eCOMPONENT
ja&s 0d, Pb, Pl), the DVD recorder automatically swkchm between
progressive scan and regular interlace because progressive scan is oldy available when )_u play DVD discs. A_ file signal is converted from interlace to progressive (and
vice versa), the recorder resynchronizes the signal Depel_ding upon your TV, this resynchronizadon process migi_t cause a sli_ t "jump" in the picture when >u start
phyiI_g a DVD disc and again when >u return to watching T_Z
No sound or distorted
Make sure _ur player is connected properly=Make sure all cables are securely itlserted into the appropriate jacks.
You may need to readjust die Audio setting (from the ._JV Output menn in the &t.p meIlu). Go to page 34. If you select DTS, and your DVD recorder isdt cotmected
to a DTS capable receiver, tou won't hear aW sound, or tile sound will hedistorted. If_u
are using DTS, make sure DTS audio is also selected oil the disc mem_
Turn your TV to its Video Input Channd (go to page 20).
Sound is muted when you're using sear& features (£tst for_-ard, reverse, fctme advance, etc.).
If you connected ar_audio receiver to your DVD recorder, make sure you chose the correct input setting on the receiver.
Can't advance
a movie
You can't advance through the opening credits arid wamitlg information that appear at die begimling of DVD movies because tile disc is programmed to prohihit that
is not the one selected
the initial
If the subdde and/or audio language does not exist on die disc, the dis& priod_ langmage _vi]lbe sdected instead. Press the SUBTITLE or AUDIC) buttons to access
die available settings, and press OK m select them.
Play doesn't
Tile rating of the title on the disc exceeds the radilg limit set ir_d_e Ratings Limit_ menu. Unlock die player aIld/or change the rating limit in those menu< Go to page
30 for more informatiot/,
No forward
or reverse scan
genie discs have sections that prohibit _pid scanniilg, or title and chapter ski[).
If yvu're trying to skip d_rough the warning information and credits at the beginnh_g era movie, you wodr be able to. This part of the movie is often programmed to
prohibit skipping through i_
Desired angle cannot
be changed
Mos_ discs dealt have the multbcamela allgle s_em, and some dis_ only have multiple angles during cemlin parts of the movie,
Picture is too tall and thin
CMn_ the 7_Shape ill d_e menu system. Go to page 33 for mole informatioll.
Picture is too short
and wide
Disc I recorded
play in another
DVD player
If it'+ a DVD_+Rdisc, make sure you fitlaJizethe disc (page 35).
Some DVD players wodt play DVD±R alld/or DVD±RW discs. Che& the DVD ptayer's manual
Not enough
space on the DVD+R or DVD+RW
To get more recordiilg tinle, t_u camcha_/ge the Recording QualitT setti_/g(page 31). If it is a DVD +RW disc, )_u can delete some tides to create nlore space. See 25.
You can't record content that is coD, protected. Ifa message appears notif)ing you that 2_(i can't record the material, press CLEAR oil the remote to remove the
message from the screen. You also cail't cop? DVD movies by connecting a DVD player to the DVD recorder.
Make sure you've inserted a DVD_+Ror DVD±RW disc. _bu cadt record on DVD-RAM, or aW CD discs.
Make sure tile disc isn't locked, which protects contents of disc but prevellt_ recordi_/g.Go m page 25 for more information.
Make sure the disc isn't finalizedfor compatibility in other DVD players. Whde ill the Disc metal, ill the &u_? menu, press the EDIT bu_ton. You can also press
RECORD even if the disc is finalized.The recorder un-finalizes the disc belbre recording.
Many problems encountered when recordit/g (or playing) disc are related m the wide variation in disc quality due m d_e large number of brands and manufacnlrers. We
highly recommend using discs from a reputable mam_fi_cturer.If you encounter problems with one brat/d of disc, please try another brat/d.
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