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Craftsman 37144 Instruction Manual page 3


Safe Operation Practices for Pedestrian-Controlled
Rotary Lawnmowera
IMPORTANT=. T hiscuttingmachineIs capableof amputatinghandsand feet and throwing objects.
Failureto observethe followingsafetyInstructions couldresultIn sedousinjuryor death.
• Read the Instructions carefully. Be familiar with the
controlsand the properuse of the equipment.
• Never allow childrenor people unfemmarwith the
instructions to usethe Iswnmower. Local regulations
may restrictthe age of the operator.
Never mowwhilepeople,especiallychildren,or pets
arenoa oy
• Keep In mind thatthe operatoror user IS responsible
for accidentsor hazardsocourdngto otherpeopleor
their property.
• While mowing,alwayswear substantialfootwear and
long trousers. Do not operate the equipmentwhen
barefootor wsarlngopensandals.
• Thoroughly inspect t hearnewherethe equipment isto
be usedand removeall objectswhichmay be thrown
by the machine.
• WARNING - Petrolis highlyltammable.
- Storefuel incontainers specifically designedfor this
- Refueloutdoorsonlyand do not smokewhile refu-
- Add fuel beforestartingthe engine. Never remove
thecapofthefueltankoradd petrolwhilethe engine
is running or when the engine Is hot.
- If petrolis spilled,do notattempt to startthe engine
butmovethemachineaway fromthearea ofspillage
and avoidcreating anysourceof ignitionuntilpetrol
-Replace all fuel tanks and container caps se-
• Replacefaultysilencers.
• Before using,always visualtyinspectto see that the
blades,blade boltsand cutterassemblyare notworn
or damaged. Replaceworn or damaged blades and
boltsin sets to preservebalance.
• On multi-bladed machines,take care as rotatingone
blade can cause otherblades to rotate.
IlL Operation
• Do notoperatethe enginein a confinedspacewhere
dangerouscarbon monoxidefumescan collect.
•- Mow onlyin daylightor in good artificiallight.
• Avoid operatingthe equipmentin wet grass,where
• Alwaysbe sure of yourfootingon slopes.
• Walk, neverrun.
Forwheeledrotarymachines,mowacrossthe face of
slopes,never up and down.
Exercise extremecautionwhen changingdirection on
Do notmow excessively steep slopes.
• Use extreme caution when reversingor pullingthe
• Stop _
blade If the lawnmower has to be tiltedfor
whenorosslng surfaces otherthangrass,
and when transporting the lawnmower toand fromthe
areatohe mowed.
• Neveroperatethe lawnmower w ith defective guards,or
without safetydevices,for exampledeflectorsand/or
grass catchers, in place.
• Do not changethe engine governorssttlngsor over-
speedthe engine. Operatingthe engineat excessive
speed may Increasethe hazard of personalInjury
• Disengageall blade and ddveclutchssbeforestartiog
the engine.
• Start the engine or switchon the motorcarefullyac-
cordingto instructions and with feet well away from
the blade,
• Do not tiltthe lawnmower w hen startingthe engineor
switching on the motor,exceptif the lawnmowerhas
to be tiltedfor starting. In this case, do not tilt more
than absolutely necessaryand liftonlythe pert which
is awayfromthe operator.
• Do not startthe enginewhen standingIn frontof tile
• Do not put handsor feet near or under rotating parts.
Keep clear of the dischargeopeningat all times.
• Neverpickup or carrylawnmowerwhile the engineis
• Stopths engineand disconnect t he spark plug wire:
- beforecleaningblockages or unclogging chute;
- beforechecking,cleaningor workingon the lawn-
- afterstriking a foreignobject.Inspect t helawnmower
for damageand make repelrabeforerestartingand
operatingthe Iswnmower;
- ifthelawnmower startsto vibrateabnormally (check
• Stop the engine:
- wheneveryou leavethe lawnmawer;
- beforerefuelllng.
• Reduce the throttlesettingduring engine shut down
and,if theengineisprovided witha shut-offvane, furn
the fuel offat the conclusion of mowing.
• Go slowwhen usinga trailingseat.
IV, Maintenance
and Storage
• Keep al! nuts,bolts and screwstightto be sure the
equipmentis in safe workingcondition.
• Neverstoratheequlpmentwithpetrolinthetankinside
a building where fumes may reach an openflame or
• Allowthe engine to cool beforestoringIn any enclo-
• To reducethe fire hazard, keep the engine,silencer,
batterycompartmentand petrolstoragearea free ot
grass,leaves,or excessivegrease.
• Check the grasscatcher frequentlyfor wear or dete-
• Replecewornor damagedparts ior safety.
• If the fuel tankhas to be drained,this shouldbe done

