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Summary of Contents for Craftsman 37150

  • Page 1 CRFIFT.TMIIN ° 37150 Instruction manual Manuel d'lnstructlons InstructleboekJe Please read these Instructions carefully S'il vous plaTtlisez soigneusement Lees deze instructles aandachtig and make sure you understand them en zorg dat u ze begdjptvoordat et soyez sOrde comprende ces before using this machine. instructions avant d'utiliser carte u daze machinegebruikt.
  • Page 2 )CONTENTS INDICE SAFETY RULES ......PAGE 3-8 REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD ..SIVU 3.8 TECHNICAL DATA ........ESPECIFICACIONES TI_CNICAS ... 9 OVERVIEW ..........SUMARIO ..........ASSEMBLY ........10-12 MONTAJE ......... 10-12 ADJUSTMENTS ........REGULACI6N ........START AND STOP ......14-16 ARRANQUE Y PARADA ....14-16 USE ...........
  • Page 3 IMPORTANT: This cotUngmachineIs capableof amputatinghandsand feat and throwing objects. afe Operation Practices for Pedestrian-Controlled Rotary Lawnmowers Failureto observethe following safety instructions couldresultIn seriousInjuryor death. "training • Read the Instructions carefully. Be familiarwith the • Stop the blade if the lawnmowarhas to be tiltedfur controlsand the properuse of the equipment.
  • Page 4 Slcherheltsvorkehrungen fnr Handgeffihrte Rasenmiiher mlt Rotatlonsldlnge WICI.rI'IG. Dle6e m_dlrnaschlne kann hAndeundfosseabtrennenundgegens_nde mit hohargeschwln- dlgkeltschlaudarn. Niehtbeachtung der folgendanslcherheltavorschdften I d_nnte schwemoder t0dliche verlatzunganzur folgahaban, I. Schulung • Die Anieitungananr_ltig durchieesn. Mit dan Bedien- • BanutzenSie dan Ra_er nie mitdefaktanSchutzab- und der vomchri_sm&SIganBedianung ungsolemoc_an dadmngan, oder nicht in Position befindllchan Schutz- der Meschlne vertmut machan.
  • Page 5 ATTENTION: Ce tractaurde peio use est capable d'amputermains ou plede et de proJeter des obJets. Solutions pratlques de $Acurit6 de marche pour tondeuse _ hAIIce horizontals I_:lestre rlnobservattan des rbglesde s_-urlt6ct-deesous pout Atra lacausedeblessures sAdeusesvolremortelles. I. Prdcautlons d'utlllsatlon • Utilisezune butded'arr_t afln de maiotenlr la lame •...
  • Page 6 IMPORTANTE: Estamaqutna cortadorauscapez deamputarlasmanosylos piesy de lanzarobJotos. SIno Normas de funolonam|ento seguro para cortac6spedes glratodos de pie se observanla$ Instl_colonesde seguddad slgulontes se puedonproduclrteslonesgroveso la muorte. • Parar la hoja en caso de quo es tenga qua Incllnarel I. Instruccl6n cortac6sped paratmnaportado porunasupeRcloquo •...
  • Page 7 BELANGRIJK: Doze maalmachlneken hendenen vootenamputarenen voorwerben wegsllngeren. H et Velllg werken met handbedlende grasmaalmachlnes nlot opvolgenvan daze valllghetdslnetrootleeken emstlgof dodelljkletaettotgevolghebben. _. Training Lees de Inetructles eandachtlg.Zorg dat u vartrouwd • Verendar de Inetelllngvan de motorregelaar nlet on bentmetdebedlenlngsetarnenten ee hotJulste gebrulk laat de motornlet met ta hoge toeren dmalen.
  • Page 8 ® Mlsure operative dl slcurezza per touerba controllate da pedonl ATrENZlONE: Questotrettodno tosaerbe haunapotenzasufflclente ada mputaremanl• ptedi• a scaglfare oggettl.La mancataosservanzadelleseguentlIstruzlonl a ntlnfortunlstlche p otrebbecausare leslonlgrevl e perslnoil decesso dellavittima. I. Addestramento Alruso • Fermare le lame nel caso in cul la macchlnadebba •...
  • Page 9 These symbolsmay appear on your machineor in the literaturesuppliedwith the product. Learn and un- derstandtheir meaning. Dlese Symboleflnden Sic auf Ihrer Meschlneoderin Unterlagen,die mltdem Produkt ausgehllndlgt w urden. Blttemachon Sle slch mRderenBedeutungvertmut. (_Ces symbolespeuventse montrersur votre machineou clansles publications fournles aves le prodult.Ap- prenez tl comprendrela elgnlflcatlon de ces symbotes.
  • Page 10 ® I_rmheronp_Ue ImpuQnaturs 1 Upper handle Hindgrlff, oberer Duwboom, boven Asa supedor suplrleum iuperlOrO Mancheron parUe Duwboom, 2 Lower handle Impu.gnatura Hangrlff, unterer Asa Inferior InMdeum beneden In.morn Ebler du fmln- Comando del Mando frenomotor 3 Engine brake yoke Motorbmmsb gel Motormmbeugel moteur hlmo motore...
  • Page 11 ASSEMBLING Pullup the handlein direction of the arrow. With the handlein up-turnedpcaltlon, t ightenthe wing-nuts. MONTAGE Gr_ffi_ln Pfalldchtung hochklappen.AnschlleBend Flngelmuttem anzlehan. MONTAGE Manche D0pioyezla manchedens la directionde la fl_che. Une lois le manche d6ploy6,earraz lea dcrous;t oraillss. MONTAJE Empufiadura MONTAGE Handel Levantar la ampuAduman el santldo de la flecha.
  • Page 12 To Empty Grass Catcher To removegrasscatcher,release enginebrake yoketo stop engine. • Lift up rear door and remove the grass catcher by the handle. • Do notdragthe bagwhen emptying,Itwillcauea unnecessary wear. Leeren des Grasfangbeutela • Durch Lealassendes Bedlenungchebel$ den Motor abstel- len.
  • Page 13 Adjustment The mower can be set to differentcutting levels. Adjustto de- sired cutting levelby means of the leverat each wheel. Move the lever towardsthewheel and set the cuttinglevel. Allwheels must be in the same heightpositions. Otherwise uneven cut- Ungwillresult. Einstellung Der MaherIstInverschledenen Schnoidh0ben e lnstellbar.
  • Page 14 Starting and Stopping Planethemowerona fiatsurfane. Note: not on gravelorsimilar. Fill the tank with petrol, not oil-blended. Bothleed-free and Ined-contalnlng p etrol maybeused. Do not fig with petrul while the engine Is running. • To starta coldengine,pushpalmer(3) timesbeforetryingto start. Usea firmpush.ThisstepIsnotusuallyneneesary when startingan enginewhich has already runfor a few minutes.
  • Page 15 Arranque y Parada Colocarel cortac6sped en una supertlcleliana (singravllia,gul- Jarros,etc.). Rellenarel tanque de gacollnapura, sin aeelte. Se peudeusar gasiotnasin plomoo con plomo. No rellenar el tanque ralentraa estj funolonando el motor. • Parsarrancar un motor fdo,empujeelcebador (3) vecosantos detratardearrancar.EmpuJarflrmemente. Estonormalmenta no esnecesarlocuandosearrancaunmotorquaya haestado funcionando poraJgunos minutos.
  • Page 16 ® ® Drive • Forwarddrive Is engaged (1) and disengaged(2) with the clutchbar at the top of the handle. • Select ground speed with gear shift lever (3). The farther towardthe handle the lever Is pulled,the faster the unitwill travel. Lauf •...
  • Page 17 Mow the lawn twice weekly duringthe moatactive pedode of growth. Never cut more than 1/3 of the lengthof the grass, especiallyduringdry periods. Mow with a high cuffingheight settingthe first time. Examine the resultand lowerthe mower to the desired setting. Mow slowlyor mow the grass twice if it Isvery long.
  • Page 18 Regularly Stop_ engineand unscrewthe dipstick.The levelshouldbe between FULL and ADD. Note: the dipstickmustbe screwed all the waydowninorder toindicatecorrectolllevel. Avoidfilling with too muchoil. _i)_._) Regelmllsalg StellenSle den Motorab undschreuben SIc den _')Ipellstab her- aus. De OlstandsollswlschenFULL and ADD llegen. Achtung, tier 01pellstabmuss vollstandlghlnelngeschreubt s eln, damlt der .dchtlge (_)Istand angezelgtwardenkenn.
  • Page 19 Change oll after each season or after 25 hoursrunning t ime. Run the engine warm, removethe spark plug lead. Remove the drainplugfrombottomof engine and drainoil Fillwithnew o11. SAE 30 can be used. Olwecbeel elnrnal proJahr odernach 25 Betdebsstunden. Den Motor warm laufenlassen, abstellenund dasZQndkerzenkabel abzlehen.
  • Page 20 Apr_e un certaintemps, la vlteesede roulementpeut diminuer. Veuillezl'ajustarde catte tagon: • Toumezle vlsmolet6e(1) densle cans contralre deselgullles d'unemontrepourtendrele c_bled'entrainement. L a vltesse de roulercent devraltaugmenter. SI la vitesesde roulementdemeure Inchang6e,la courroledu eyst_rned'entraTnement est usde at dolt6tre remplec6e. REMARQUE: SI le tondeuse commence =t= rampe¢' vers I'avant, le ct_e d'entmtnementest tdp tendu.