Parameter; Zone; Setup - Emotiva UMC-1 Operation Manual

Ultra media controller
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play in a specific format, this can be done in the ADVANCED PLAYBACK menu.
Another option for changing the MODE is to press either the MODE up or MODE down buttons on the remote control.
To access the MODE menu, simply scroll down the list until it's highlighted and press ENTER.
Within the MODE menu, you can scroll to select any allowable mode for a given input type. The system will not allow
you to select a mode that is not supported for a given input (even though you can see all of the modes in the menu).


The PARAMETER menu allows you to set the individual levels for each speaker as well as bass, treble, Dolby Volume,
Midnight Mode, Center Width, and Dimension. Levels can be set from -10 to +10db in 1db increments. The levels in
this menu are temporary settings. Permanent level adjustments can be done in the speaker setup menu. These level
adjustments are the same as the ones shown on the UMC-1 remote. They are used to make "On the fly" adjustments
for the movie or show you are watching and will revert back to the pre-set levels when the input is changed or the unit
is turned off.
Another option for changing the PARAMETERs "On the fly" is to press any of the CH TRIM buttons on the remote
Permanent changes to the speaker levels can be done in the SPEAKER SETUP menu.


The ZONE 2 feature of the UMC-1 allows you to send audio to an external amplifier to drive speakers in another portion
of your house. Within this menu, you can select whether or not ZONE 2 is active, from which source the audio is
coming, and how loud you would like it to play.
Please note: Zone 2 audio sources apply only to analog inputs (unless set to sync). When set to sync, it takes the 2
channel down mix of whatever is running in the main zone. Please also note that when Zone 2 is active and you put the
UMC-1 into Standby mode the front panel halo lighting and VFD will go to a very low level. The VFD will then display
what source is selected for Zone 2 and the volume level. The UMC-1 does not have be on for Zone 2 to work. You can
turn on/off Zone 2 at any time by pressing the Zone 2 power button on the remote control.
SETUP (Please see our online video tutorial called "Input Setup" for
further setup information)
The SETUP menu is where you will setup all of your inputs, speakers and preferences. Within the SETUP menu you have
This sets up the names for sources you are using. For example Source 2 (Source 1 is always the Tuner) can be used for
Bluray, Source 3 can be CD, Source 4 can be Cable, etc. You can use up to 8 letters to name your sources. Use the up
and down arrows to change the letters. Pressing the down arrow will give you lower case letters and pressing the up
arrow will give you capital letters. Use the right arrow to navigate to the next letter and use the left arrow to go back to
the previous letter.
Each source can be assigned to any input you choose. The factory default settings can be changed. There are 16 sources
that can be set up independently.
This sets up the individual inputs to your specifications. Each input has seven choices; VISIBLE, AUDIO, VIDEO, INPUT
LEVEL, LIPSYNC, TRIGGER, and EQ MODE. Each input can be setup in multiple configurations for a single source unit.
INPUT 2, INPUT 3, and INPUT 4 can all be used for the same source unit. In this case we will use a BluRay player. For
INPUT 2 you can set the VIDEO to HDMI and the AUDIO to HDMI for high definition movies. For INPUT 3 you can set the
VIDEO to NONE and the AUDIO to ANALOG for CDs. For INPUT 4 you can set the VIDEO to HDMI and the AUDIO to EXT
7.1 CH for SACDs. Basically any of the 16 inputs can be setup to any source you have in any configuration you want and
are not limited to only being setup to a single input.

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