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ABB REL 352 Instruction Manual page 148

Numerical phase comparison transmission line protection system


Power Automation and Protection Division
REL 352 can be communicated with for target data, settings, etc., through the man-machine interface (MMI),
The relay can also be communicated with via the communication (comm.) ports. Comm port communications,
provides the user with more information than is available with the MMI. For example, all 16 targets are available
and a more friendly user interface for settings can be accessed (all settings are displayed on a single screen
on the user's PC). This section will provide the details of the comm port options, personal computer require-
ments, connecting cables and all information necessary to communicate with and extract data from the relay.
Additional communications details are contained in IL 40-603, (RCP) Remote Communication Program.
Communication Port Options
REL 352 is supplied with a rear communications port. If the network interface is not specified, a RS-232C (hard-
ware standard) communications port is supplied. Network interface comm. port option allows the connection of
the relay with many other devices to a 2-wire network. A detailed discussion of networking capabilities can be
found in AD 40-600, Substation Control and Communications Application Guide.
RS-232C, rear comm. port is of the removable, Product Operated Network Interface (PONI) type and is avail-
able in two styles. One is identified by a 25 pin (DB-25S) female connector, it is usually black and has a single
data comm. rate of 1200 bps. The second style is identified by a 9 pin (DB-9P) male connector and externally
accessible dip switches (next to the connector) for setting the communication data rate. This port option is al-
ways black in color, can be set for speeds of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps (see Table J-2) and offers an
option for IRIG-B time clock, synchronization input.
Personal Computer Requirements
Communication with the relay requires the use of Remote Communication Program (RCP) regardless of the
comm. port option. RCP is supplied by ABB Relay Division and is run on a personal computer (PC).
To run the program requires an IBM AT, PC/2 PC or true compatible with a minimum of 640 kilobytes of RAM,
1 hard disk drive, a RS-232C comm. port and a video graphics adapter card. The PC must be running Version
3.3, or higher, MS-DOS.
Connecting Cables
With each comm. port option the connecting cable requirement can be different. Also, connecting directly to a
PC or connecting to a modem, for remote communication, affects the connecting cable requirements. Table J-
1 provides a summary of a plug pin assignments, pins required and cable connectors.
Some terminology will be defined to aid the user in understanding cable requirements in Table J-1. Reference,
is often made to the "RS-232C" standard, for data communication. The RS-232C standard describes mechan-
ical, electrical, and functional characteristics. This standard is published by the Electronics Industry Association
(EIA) and use of the standard is voluntary but widely accepted for electronic data transfer. ABB relay commu-
nications follows the RS-232C standard for non-network data communication.
Although the RS-232C standard does not specify a connector shape, the most commonly used is the "D" shape
connector. As stated in Section J.1.2 above, all ABB relay communication connectors are of the "D" shape (such
as DB-25S).
REL 352 Version 1.00
I.L. 40-201.9

