Connections; 100V Line Speaker Connections - Halma Ampac EV3000 Installation & Commissioning

Emergency warning & intercommunications system
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10.3.1 Connections

Field Terminations
TB1: + SHD -
TB2: + SHD -
TB3: + SHD -
TB4: + SHD -
TB5 +- SHD + -
Refer to FIG32 for wiring between SECPs and the main equipment.
Note: Audio cable must be screened twisted 2 pair.

10.4 100V Line Speaker Connections

Two termination boards are available for termination of the field speaker circuits. Both boards have
the same terminal designations.
The 302-490X was the original board and has been replaced by the BRDEV3FTB2. The BRDEV3FTB2
has filter circuitry for each speaker circuit. The filter circuit supresses any unwanted noise from the
speakers when the speaker circuit is not in use (generally only an issue in apartment type installations
– especially at night when there is low ambient noise)
Audio Input A (eg EWS MIC)
Audio Output A (eg EWS MIC)
Audio Input B (eg EIS Audio)
Audio Output B (eg EIS Audio)
BGM Input A and B channel
Figure 20: BRDEV3ALM – Audio Line Monitor


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