Installation; Removal Of Electrical Connections To The Existing Starter; Mechanical Removal Of The Existing Unit-Mounted Starter - Trane AFDH Installation Instructions Manual

D-frame upgrade adaptive frequency drive for tracer adaptiview centrifugal chiller
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Removal of Electrical Connections
to the Existing Starter
Hazardous Voltage with Capacitors!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote
disconnects and discharge all motor start/run
capacitors before servicing. Follow proper lockout/
tagout procedures to ensure the power cannot be
inadvertently energized. For variable frequency drives
or other energy storing components provided by Trane
or others, refer to the appropriate manufacturer's
literature for allowable waiting periods for discharge of
capacitors. Verify with an appropriate voltmeter that all
capacitors have discharged. Failure to disconnect power
and discharge capacitors before servicing could result
in death or serious injury.
For additional information regarding the safe discharge
of capacitors, see PROD-SVB06*-EN
1. Turn off the main power disconnect to the chiller and
then follow the correct lockout/tagout safety
procedures to ensure that main power to the machine
cannot be inadvertently restored.
a. For additional safety, also open all starter and
control panel disconnect switches and secure them
in the open position.
b. Depending upon the starter type, proceed to verify
that no electrical power exists at either the starter
breaker, or starter disconnect switch, or starter
terminal block, and other starter components
before starting the process of wiring removal.
2. Note the orientation of the power cable connections to
the starter breaker, or starter disconnect switch, or
starter terminal block.
a. Identify and clearly label the L1, L2, L3, and Ground
wiring cables before they are disconnected.
3. Identify and clearly label the power wiring cables at the
compressor motor terminal lugs T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, and
T6 and then disconnect them.
a. Also disconnect the cables from their connection
points on the starter and remove them from the
cabinet area to prevent them from getting in the
way during the rest of the starter removal process.
b. Keep the motor terminal lugs. They will be reused
later in the installation.
4. At the starter cabinet, identify and clearly label the
control and communication wiring running to the
starter panel.
a. Also identify and record the termination point of
each wire at the terminal block and then disconnect
b. Remove and save the conduit fittings from the line,
load, and control power entrances and exits on the
starter cabinet.
c. Remove and save the conduit top plate for possible
reuse later in the installation.
Mechanical Removal of the
Existing Unit-Mounted Starter
Heavy Objects!
Failure to properly lift unit could result in death or
serious injury. Only attach cables (chains or slings) to
the designated lifting points. Each of the cables (chains
or slings) used to lift the unit must be capable of
supporting the entire weight of the unit. Lifting cables
(chains or slings) may not be of the same length. Adjust
as necessary for even unit lift. Other lifting
arrangements may cause equipment or property-only
Improper Unit Lift!
Failure to properly lift unit could result in death or
serious injury or possible equipment or property only
damage. Some unit-mounted starter designs tend to be
top heavy. Test lift unit to an approximate height of no
greater than 24 inches to verify proper center of gravity
lift point. To avoid dropping the unit, reposition lifting
point if unit is not level.
1. Depending upon model type, a unit-mounted starter
can weigh up to 750 pounds.
a. Verify that the intended lifting device and rigging
has the capacity to safely handle the load before
hooking up to the designated lifting points on the
starter unit.
Note: On some existing starters, lifting tabs are spot-
welded to the enclosure. These welds can break
if not lifted straight up. To ensure a safe lift,
Trane recommends drilling a hole and bolting
the tabs to the enclosure to ensure a safe lift.
2. Using safe lifting practices, slowly begin taking up the
slack in the rigging.
a. Tension the rigging only to the point that is
necessary to take up enough of the weight of the
starter panel to enable loosening the bolts
connecting the panel to the Z-bracket on the motor
3. While steadying the starter panel to prevent it from
tipping forward, carefully begin removing the
retaining bolts.


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