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Installation Procedure - Subaru E5610CC150 Installation Manual

Rear under diffuser


Installation procedure

【 Bottom view 】
Vehicle clip ×5
⑥ Inner side LH
Holes ×5
Rear fog cover
Rear Bumper
Rear Bumper
④ Inner center
⑤ Inner side RH
⑫ Washer
⑪ Clip(Large)
3mm Drill ×5
20mm Hole saw ×2
1. Make a hole in the Rear Bumper.
(1) Remove the vehicle clip from the Rear
Bumper. ( 5 places )
※ Do not reuse vehicle clip.
(2) Attach 3 Inner parts to the Rear Bumper with
⑪Clip(Large) and ⑫Washer. ( 5 places )
(3) Move the 5 holes of the parts to the Rear
Bumper with a needle.
(4) Remove the clip from the Rear Bumper and
remove the 3 Inner parts.
(5) Drill a 3 mm hole in the center of the mark
position. ( 5 places )
※ The position of Ⓐ penetrates to the
(6) Remove the Rear fog cover from the
8mm Drill ×3
Rear Bumper.
(7) Make 8mm holes in the Rear fog cover
( 3 places ) and the Rear Bumper ( 2 places ).
※ Wrap masking tape 10 mm from the tip
8mm Drill ×2
(8) Using a Hole saw, make a 20mm hole
in the 3mm hole made in step (5).
( 2 places )
Rear Bumper. ( 2 places )
of the drill.
Masking tape

