In some countries, the fuel available may not have
su cient additives. Deposits could build up in the
fuel injection system as a result. In this case, in
consultation with a Mercedes-Benz service
centre, mix the fuel with the cleaning additive rec-
ommended by Mercedes-Benz. Observe the notes
and mixing ratios indicated on the tank.
Inf Infor ormation on fuel q
mation on fuel quality f
uality for v
or vehicles wit
ehicles with a die-
sel engine
sel engine
General not
al notes es
Note the instructions about operating uids
page 396).
ARNING Risk of re from fuel mixture
If you mix diesel fuel with petrol, the ash
point of the fuel mixture is lower than that of
pure diesel fuel.
Never refuel using petrol in diesel
Never mix petrol with diesel fuel.
* N N O O TE TE Damage caused by the wrong fuel
Even small amounts of the wrong fuel could
result in damage to the fuel system, the
engine and the emission control system.
V V ehicles wit
ehicles with a diesel par
h a diesel particulat
Only refuel using sulphur-free diesel fuel
that conforms to European standard
h a die-
EN 590, or an equivalent speci cation.
In countries without sulphur-free diesel
fuel, refuel using only low-sulphur diesel
fuel with a sulphur content less than
50 ppm.
V V ehicle wit
ehicle without diesel par
hout diesel particulat
Only refuel using diesel fuel with a sul-
phur content less than 500 ppm.
Never refuel with one of the following fuels:
Marine diesel
Heating oil
If you have accidentally refuelled with the
ticulate e lt lter:
wrong fuel:
The following compatibility indication for fuel
applies to your vehicle:
ticulate e lt lter:
For diesel fuel with a maximum of 7% by vol-
ume bio-diesel (fatty acid methyl ester)
Technical data 399
Pure fatty acid methyl ester or vegetable
Para n or kerosene
Do not switch on the vehicle.
Consult a quali ed specialist workshop.