Lightning Protection When The Tuner Is Installed Outdoor - Acom Owner's Manual

Remote automatic antenna tuner and switch
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User's Manual | ACOM 04AT | Remote Automatic Antenna Tuner and Switch

1.5.2. Lightning protection when the tuner is installed outdoor

For details about lightning protection see
this manual.
When installed on a roof or in the field, the tuner and antennas, if not provided with a separate lightning
protection, should be within the protection range of an existing lightning protection system.
Checking the efficiency range of a lightning rod is performed using the method known as "rolling sphere".
If the tuner and/or the antennas are not protected by an existing lightning protection system, the system
should be extended, its range of action should be increased or a new lightning protection system should be
built, with a sufficient range of action and in compliance with all requirements of the local standards and
regulations for electric safety, fire safety, and lightning protection.
The tuner's terminal labeled GROUND should be connected through a low-impedance
connection (preferably flat-shaped) with a solid cross section of no less than 20 sq. mm to the
closest (at a distance less than 6m) main conductor from an existing grounding system for
lightning protection, and where there is no such system, to a purpose-built individual
low-impedance grounding system for lightning protection, driven or buried directly in the
ground and in compliance with all requirements of the local standards and regulations for
electric safety, fire safety, and lightning protection (see Point
The braids of the antenna coax cables should be connected through a low-impedance
connection (preferably flat-shaped) with a solid cross section of no less than 20 sq. mm to the
same grounding system for lightning protection, to which the tuner is connected, but with
independent connections, i.e., the connections of the coaxial braids to the grounding system
for lightning protection should not be broken in case the tuner is temporarily removed (e.g., for
Before the antenna cables are laid to the tuner, they should be equipped with pulse
overvoltage limiters (surge arresters), the grounding terminals of which should be connected
in the same manner as the braids in section b) above.
The feed line between the shack and a remotely located tuner should be coaxial cable buried
in the ground (when coming from the field) or securely attached to the wall of the building
(when coming down from the roof), all along the route from the antennas to the foundation
of the building. At the foundation, the braid of this cable should be securely grounded at
ground level and just before entering the building, through a low-impedance connection
(preferably flat-shaped) with solid section of no less than 20 sq. mm to the main grounding
plate of the building (see Point
May 2021
APPENDIX 1 | Lightning Protection
in Appendix 1).
S e c t i o n GENERAL INFORMATION | Page 17 of 72
at the end of
in Appendix 1).


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