Operator Safety Instructions And Practices - Schulte RDX-117 Operator's Manual

Electric scooter
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The rotating parts of this machine continue to rotate even after the PTO has been turned off.
The operator should remain in the operator's seat for 60 seconds after the brake has been
set, the PTO disengaged, the tractor turned off, and all evidence of rotation has ceased.
Never crawl under a raised Implement supported solely by the Tractor 3-Point hitch.
Release of the control lever or mechanical failure will result in the Implement falling and
possible injury or death. Always securely block up the Implement before crawling
underneath to perform repairs and service.
Never operate the Tractor or Implement until you have read and
completely understand this Manual, the Tractor Operator's Manual, and
each of the Safety Messages found in the Manual or on the Tractor and
Implement. Learn how to stop the tractor engine suddenly in an
emergency. Never allow inexperienced or untrained personnel to operate
the Tractor or Implement without supervision. Make sure the operator
has fully read and understood the manuals prior to operation.
The operator and all support personnel should wear hard hats, safety
shoes, safety glasses, and proper hearing protection at all times for
protection from injury including injury from items that may be thrown by
the equipment.
PERMANENT HEARING LOSS! Tractors with or without an Implement
attached can often be noisy enough to cause permanent hearing loss.
We recommend that you always wear hearing protection if the noise in
the Operator's position exceeds 80db.
extended period of time will cause severe hearing loss. Noise over 90db
adjacent to the Operator over an extended period of time will cause
permanent or total hearing loss. NOTE: Hearing loss from loud noise
[from tractors, chain saws, radios, and other such sources close to the
ear] is cumulative over a lifetime without hope of natural recovery.
Always read carefully and comply fully with the manufacturer's
instructions when handling oil, solvents, cleansers, and any other
chemical agent.
RDX-117 06/20
© 2020 Alamo Group Inc.
"Wait a minute...Save a life!"
Safety Section 1-3
Noise over 85db over an


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