• Grounding Wire Warning: Using a power adapter with different specifications than the one included with the DAP-3662 will cause damage and void the warranty for this product. If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.
Enhanced Performance The DAP-3662 delivers reliable wireless performance with maximum wireless signal rates of up to 866 in 5 Ghz and 300 Mbps in 2.4 Ghz wireless band. This, coupled with support for Wi-Fi Multimedia™ (WMM) Quality of Service features, makes it an ideal access point for audio, video, and voice applications.
• SNMP for management - The DAP-3662 is not just fast, but also supports SNMP v1 and v2c for better network management. Superior wireless AP manager software is bundled with the DAP-3662 for network configuration and firmware upgrade. Systems administrators can also set up the DAP-3662 easily with the Web-based configuration.
D-Link wireless products are based on industry standards to provide high-speed wireless connectivity that is easy to use within your home, business or public access wireless networks. D-Link wireless products provides you with access to the data you want, whenever and wherever you want it.
The key to maximizing wireless range is to follow these basic guidelines: 1. Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the D-Link device and other network devices to a minimum - each wall or ceiling can reduce your adapter’s range from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Position your devices so that the number of walls or ceilings is minimized.
Create a wireless LAN Wirelessly connect multiple networks while still WDS with AP functioning as a wireless AP Wirelessly connect multiple networks AP acts as a wireless network adapter for your Wireless Client Ethernet enabled device D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Method 2 - Power on by PoE kit. Method 1 1. Connect one end of your Ethernet cable into the LAN1 (PoE) port on the DAP-3662 and then connect the other end to your PoE switch. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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1. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable into the Data In port on the PoE injector and the other end into one port on your switch, router, or computer. 2. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable into the P+Data Out port on the PoE base unit and the other end into the LAN1 (PoE) port on the DAP-3662 access point.
Step 2 - Open your web browser. Step 3 - Type the IP address of the DAP-3662 in the address field ( and press Enter. Make sure that the IP addresses of the DAP-3662 and your computer are in the same subnet.
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Click the Apply button to configure changes. Click the Save button to configure changes. Alternatively, click the Save and Activate option on the Configuration drop-down menu at the top of each DAP-3662 window. This will cause the DAP-3662 to save and reboot.
Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Settings Access Point Mode In Access Point mode, the DAP-3662 functions as a wireless AP. After configuring the desired settings, click the Save button. Wireless Band: Select either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz from the drop-down menu.
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Select 802.1X if your network is using port-based Network Access Control. For more information about the different types of Authentication offered on the DAP-3662 and the respective settings of each, please go to the first page of the “Authentication” explanations, which begins on page 23.
Section 3 - Configuration WDS with AP Mode In WDS with AP mode, the DAP-3662 wirelessly connects multiple networks while still functioning as a wireless AP. After completing the desired settings, click the Save button to let your changes take effect.
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Select WPA-Personal to secure your network using a password and dynamic key changes. No RADIUS server is required. For more information about the different types of Authentication offered on the DAP-3662 and the respective settings of each, please go to the first page of the “Authentication” explanations, which begins on page 23.
Section 3 - Configuration WDS Mode In WDS mode, the DAP-3662 wirelessly connects multiple networks, without functioning as a wireless AP. After completing the desired settings, click the Save button to let your changes take effect. Wireless Band: Select either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz from the drop-down menu.
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Select Open System to communicate the key across the network. Select Shared Key to limit communication to only those devices that share the same WEP settings. Select WPA-Personal to secure your network using a password and dynamic key changes. No RADIUS server is required. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Client Mode In Wireless Client mode, the DAP-3662 functions as a wireless client on a wireless network in which an AP already exists. After completing the desired settings, click the Save button to let your changes take effect.
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Click the box to enable the Wireless MAC Clone feature. Enabling this option allows the user to manually assign the source MAC address to packets forwarded by the DAP-3662. If disabled, the packet’s source MAC address field will be automatically selected as the DAP-3662’s MAC address.
Select the interval during which the group key will be valid. The default Update Interval: value of 1800 is recommended. PassPhrase: When you select WPA-Personal, please enter a PassPhrase in the corresponding field. Confirm PassPhrase: Retype the Passphrase entered above in the corresponding field. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Network Access Enable or disable Microsoft Network Access Protection. Enabling this Protection: will make the DAP-3662 a NAP enforcement point if you are running the Network Policy Server (NPS) service in Windows Server 2008. RADIUS Server: Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server. Click External if the RADIUS server is on your network or Internal if you are using the RADIUS server on the DAP-3662.
Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server. Click External if the RADIUS server is on your network or Internal if you are using the RADIUS server on the DAP-3662. RADIUS Port: Enter the RADIUS port (1812 is the default).
Section 3 - Configuration LAN is short for Local Area Network. This is considered your internal network. These are the IP settings of the LAN interface for the DAP-3662. These settings may be referred to as private settings. You may change the LAN IP address if needed. The LAN IP address is private to your internal network and cannot be seen on the Internet.
Section 3 - Configuration IPv6 The IPv6 function allows you access DAP-3662 using an IPv6 address. Enable IPv6: Check this box to enable IPv6. Select either Static to enter your own IP address or Auto Get IP From: to be automatically assigned by a DHCP server or IPv6 gateway.
Section 3 - Configuration Advanced Settings Performance The Performance Settings window offers a number of user-controlled settings designed to optimize the performance of the DAP-3662. After completing the desired settings, click the Save button to let your changes take effect. Wireless Band: Select either 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.
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Control : SSIDs Maximum Multicast Set the multicast packets maximum bandwidth pass through rate from the Ethernet interface to the DAP-3662. Bandwidth : HT20/40 Coexistence : Enable this option to reduce interference from other wireless networks in your area. If the channel width is operating at 40 MHz and there is another wireless network’s channel over-lapping and causing interference, the DAP-3662 will automatically change...
APs. If this function is enabled and when the number of users ex- ceeds this value, or the network utilization of this AP exceeds the percentage that has been specified, the DAP-3662 will not allow clients to associate with the AP.
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Network Utilization: Set the maximum utilization of this access point for service. The DAP-3662 will not allow any new clients to associate with the AP if the utilization exceeds the value the user specifies. Select a utilization percentage between 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, or 0%.
23. For a detailed description of the WPA-Personal parameters please go to page 24. For a detailed description of the WPA-Enterprise parameters please go to page 25. For a detailed description of the 802.1X parameters please go to page 26. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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When the Enable Priority check box is checked at the top of this window, this drop-down menu is used to select a priority between 0 and 7. WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia): Select Enable to provide basic Quality of Service features. Captive Profile: Enable or disable captive profile for user authentication. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
The DAP-3662 supports VLANs. VLANs can be created with a Name and VID. Mgmt (TCP stack), LAN, Primary/Multiple SSID, and WDS connection can be assigned to VLANs as they are physical ports. Any packet which enters the DAP-3662 without a VLAN tag will have a VLAN tag inserted with a PVID.
The name of the port is displayed in this column. Tag VID: The Tagged VID is displayed in this column. Untag VID: The Untagged VID is displayed in this column. PVID: The Port VLAN Identifier is displayed in this column. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Click the Enable radio button. VLAN Status: VLAN Mode: The current VLAN mode is displayed. Provide a number between 1 and 4094 for the VLAN ID (VID): Internal VLAN. VLAN Name: Enter the VLAN to add or modify. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Once you have made the desired settings, click the Save button to let your changes take effect. VLAN Status: Click the Enable radio button. VLAN Mode: The current VLAN mode is displayed. PVID Auto Assign Use the radio button to toggle PVID auto Status: assign status to Enable. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Save button to let your changes take effect. Wireless Band: Select 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz. Detect: Click this button to initiate a scan of the network. AP List: The choices include All, Valid, Neighbor, Rogue, and New. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
24 hours a day, enter the desired starting and ending times in the next two fields. Start Time: Enter the beginning hour and minute, using a 24-hour clock. End Time: Enter the ending hour and minute, using a 24-hour clock. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Internal RADIUS Server The DAP-3662 features a built-in RADIUS server. Once you have finished adding a RADIUS account, click the Save button to let your changes take effect. The newly-created account will appear in this RADIUS Account List. The radio buttons allow the user to enable or disable the RADIUS account.
The ARP Spoofing Prevention feature allows users to add IP/MAC address mapping to prevent arp spoofing attack. ARP Spoofing Prevention: This check box allows you to enable the arp spoofing prevention function. Gateway IP Address: Enter a gateway IP address. Gateway MAC Address: Enter a gateway MAC address. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Available options are: Allocate average BW for each station, Allocate maximum BW for each station, Allocate different BW for 1a/b/g/n stations, and Allocte specific BW for SSID. Use the drop-down menu to toggle the wireless D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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Use the drop-down menu to select the SSID for the specified wireless band. Downlink Speed: Enter the limitation of the downloading speed in either Kbits/sec or Mbits/sec for the rule. Uplink Speed: Enter the limitation of the uploading speed in either Kbits/sec or Mbits/sec for the rule. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Array Name, Master IP, MAC, Master, Backup Master, Slave, and Total. Current Members: This table displays all the current array members. The DAP-3662 AP array feature supports up to eight AP array members. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Advanced Functions: Select this option to specify the other advanced settings that the APs in the group will inherit. Administration Select this option to specify the administrative Settings: settings that the APs in the group will inherit. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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WMM (Wi-Fi Select this option to use the same WMM settings. Multimedia): Ack Time Out: Select this option to use the same ACK timeout value. Wireless ACL: Select this option to use the same wireless ACL settings. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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Select this option to use the same Quality of Service settings. Log Settings: Select this option to use the same log settings. Time and Date Settings: Select this option to use the same time and date settings. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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Console Settings: Select this option to use the same console settings. Limit Administrator: Select this option to use the same limit administrator settings. Ping Control Setting: Select this option to use the same ping control settings. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
1 and 24 hours. RSSI Threshold: Select the RSSI threshold value here. This value is listed in the drop-down menu in increments of 10% from 10% to 100%. RF Report Frequency: Enter the RF report frequency value here. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
In this window, users can view and configure the AP array’s load balancing settings. Click the Save button to accept the changes made. Enable Load Balance: Select to Enable or Disable the load balance feature here. Active Threshold: Enter the active threshold value here. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Last Active Day: Select the last active date for this ticket here. Year, Month and Day selections can be made. User Limit: Enter the maximum amount of users that can use this ticket at the same time. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Enter the username for the new account here. Password: Enter the password for the new account here. Group: Select the group for the new account here. Options to choose from are Manager and Guest. Guest accounts will have limited access. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Select to Enable or Disable the accounting mode here. Accounting Server: Enter the accounting server’s IP address here. Accounting Port: Enter the accounting server’s port number here. Accounting Secret: Enter the accounting server’s shared serect here. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Identity: Enter the identity’s full path string here. Alternatively, select the Auto Copy checkbox to automatically add the generic full path of the web page in the identity field. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
POP3 option. Server: Enter the POP3 server’s IP address or domain name here. Port: Enter the POP server’s port number here. Connection Type: Select the connection type here. Options to choose from are None and SSL/TLS. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Upload button to initiate the upload. Upload picture from In this field the path to the image file, that will be file: uploaded, will be displayed. Alternatively, the path can be manually entered here. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Click the Save button to accept the changes made. Web Redirection: Select this checkbox to enable the Web redirection feature. Web Site: Enter the destination web site’s address here. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration MAC Bypass The DAP-3662 features a wireless MAC Bypass. Once a user is finished with these settings, click the Save button to let the changes take effect. Wireless Band: Select the wireless band for MAC Bypass.
IP addresses automatically without the need to manually assign new IP addresses. Select Enable to allow the DAP-3662 to function as a DHCP server. IP Assigned Input the first IP address available for assignment on your From: network.
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Enter the domain name of the network, if applicable. (An example of a domain name is www.dlink.com.) Lease Time: The lease time is the period of time before the DHCP server will assign new IP addresses. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
IP addresses automatically without the need to manually assign IP addresses. Select Enable to allow the DAP-3662 to function as a DHCP server. Host Name: Enter the name of the host computer in this text box.
Binding MAC The MAC address of a device on the network that is within Address: the DHCP static IP address pool. Assigned IP The current corresponding DHCP-assigned static IP Address: address of the device. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Filters Wireless MAC ACL The DAP-3662 features a wireless MAC Access Control List filter. Once a user is finished with these settings, click the Save button to let the changes take effect. Wireless Band: Select the wireless band for Wireless MAC ACL.
Section 3 - Configuration WLAN Partition The DAP-3662 features a wireless partition. Once a user is finished with these settings, click the Save button to let the changes take effect. Wireless Band: Displays the current wireless band. Link Integrity: Select Enable or Disable.
Mbits per second. These values are also used in the QoS and Traffic Manager windows. Once the desired uplink and downlink settings are finished, click the Save button to let your changes take effect. Downlink Bandwidth: The downlink bandwidth in Mbits per second. Uplink Bandwidth: The uplink bandwidth in Mbits per second. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Quality of Service (QoS) enhances the experience of using a network by prioritizing the traffic of different applications. The DAP-3662 supports four priority levels. Once the desired QoS settings are finished, click the Save button to let your changes take effect.
Downlink The downlink bandwidth in Mbits per second. This value is Bandwidth: entered in the Uplink/Downlink Setting window. Uplink The uplink bandwidth in Mbits per second. This value is Bandwidth: entered in the Uplink/Downlink Setting window. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Status Device Information Device This read-only window displays the configuration settings Information: of the DAP-3662, including the firmware version and the device's MAC address. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Client Information Client This window displays the wireless client information for Information: clients currently connected to the DAP-3662. The following information is available for each client communicating with the DAP-3662. SSID: Displays the SSID of the client.
Section 3 - Configuration WDS Information This window displays the Wireless Distribution System information for clients currently connected to the DAP-3662. Information: The following information is available for each client communicating with the DAP-3662. Name: Displays the name of the client.
Section 3 - Configuration Channel Analyze Wireless Band: Select either 2.4 Ghz or 5 GHz. Detect: Click the Detect button to scan. AP List: This will list the transmitting channels and quality. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Stats Ethernet Ethernet Traffic This window displays transmitted and received Statistics: count statistics for packets and bytes. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Section 3 - Configuration Wireless Traffic Stats WLAN Traffic This window displays wireless network statistics for data Statistics: throughput, transmitted and received frames, and frame errors. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
The log information includes but is not limited to the following items: cold start AP, upgrading firmware, client associate and disassociate with AP, and web login. The web page holds up to 500 logs. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Enter a user name for the SMTP server. Password: Enter a password for the SMTP server. Confirm Password: Confirm the password for the SMTP server by retyping it. Schedule: Use the drop-down menu to set the e-mail log schedule. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Add button. System Name Settings System Name: The name of the device. The default name is D-Link DAP-3662. Location: The physical location of the device, e.g. “office”. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Status is enabled by default. Uncheck the box to disable the console port. Select the type of protocol you would like to use: Telnet or Console Protocol: SSH. Timeout: Set to 1 Min, 3 Mins, 5 Mins, 10 Mins, 15 Mins or Never. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Check the box to enable Ping control. Ping works by sending ICMP “echo request” packets to the target host and listening for ICMP echo response replies. The default is enabled. Central WiFiManager Settings Enable Central Select to enable or disable the Central WiFiManager. WiFiManager : D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Local Hard Drive: above the file location field. After downloading the most recent version of firmware for the DAP-3662 from http://dlink.com/support to your local computer, use the Browse button to locate the firmware file on your computer. Click Upload to update the firmware version. Please don’t turn the power off while upgrading.
Configuration configuration to your local computer. Note that if File: you save one configuration with the administrator’s password now, after resetting your DAP-3662, and then updating to this saved configuration file, the password will be gone. D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
A user can either manually set the time for the AP here, Time Manually: or click the Copy Your Computer’s Time Settings button to copy the time from the computer in use (Make sure that the computer’s time is set correctly). D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
Save and Activate The drop-down Configuration menu allows users to save the current changes and reboot the DAP-3662 by clicking "Save and Activate". If the "Save and Activate" option is selected, the following window will appear to display how many seconds remain before the save settings and reboot system action is completed.
Section 3 - Configuration System System Settings Click Restart to restart the DAP-3662. Restart the Device: Click Restore to restore the DAP-3662 back to Restore to Factory Default Settings: factory default settings. Click Clear to remove the DAP-3662 language pack.
1. The computer used to configure the DAP-3662 cannot access the Configuration menu. • Check if the LAN LED on the DAP-3662 is ON. If the LED is not ON, check if the cable for the Ethernet connection is securely inserted.
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• Check that the IP address assigned to the wireless adapter is within the same IP address range as the access point and gateway. Since the DAP-3662 has an IP address of, wireless adapters must have an IP address in the same range, e.g. 192.168.0.x. Each device must have a unique IP address;...
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4. Why does my wireless connection keep dropping? • Antenna Orientation - try different antenna orientations for the DAP-3662. Try to keep the antenna at least 6 inches away from the wall or other objects.
**Please note that operating frequency ranges vary depending on the regulations of Wireless Frequency Range individual countries and jurisdictions. The DAP-3662 isn’t supported in the 5.25~5.35 • 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz and 5.15 to 5.85 GHz** GHz and 5.47 ~ 5.725 GHz frequency ranges in some regions.
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United States. The use of the system in any other combination (such as co-located antennas transmitting the same information) is expressly forbidden. IC Statement This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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This radio transmitter (Model: DAP-3662A1) has been approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in this list, D-Link DAP-3662 User Manual...
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