GE HumiLab Operator's Manual page 32

Relative humidity generator
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A list displays all parameters to be logged, showing all configured
data for each. To change one, select the line with the mouse. Data
from that line will appear in the edit line, above. Make changes and
click on Edit to store the changes. Click on Remove to delete the
selected line. To add a new line, enter the data and click on Add.
When finished, click on Done.
• Unit Number: If more than one unit is connected, each can be
selected for configuration
• Enabled check box: must be checked to allow datalogging
• the Comm Port that the Humilab or BlackBox is connected to
• Channel base Address: default = 48
• Unused Channel Number: the number of the first Black Box
channel that is not in use
• Log Interval: the time between logged items (hh:mm:ss)
• Append to File check box: adds new data to end of existing
file if checked
Chapter 3 — Using the PROSTEP software


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