Chapter 3 - Using The Prostep Software; Introduction - GE HumiLab Operator's Manual

Relative humidity generator
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Chapter 3 — Using the PROSTEP software


This chapter describes the use of GE General Eastern's Prostep soft-
ware to set up a calibration test profile.
Prostep software generates humidity/temperature profiles to
control the Humilab. It is supplied with the Humilab system on a
CD-ROM. Using Prostep, a complete automatic test profile (relative
humidity vs. time, with ramps and step changes) may be created
using an IBM-compatible computer. The profile may then be used
for automatic calibration of the devices in the Humilab cavity. See
Figure 8 for a sample humidity profile.
In addition to creating humidity profiles for use in the Humilab,
the PROSTEP software can be configured to generate temperature
control commands/profiles to the recirculating water bath chiller,
remotely operate the Humilab, customize the Humilab calibration
sequence, and collect humidity and temperature data from the
reference hygrometer. This section will detail the creation,
uploading, and operation of humidity profiles and datalogging
features only. Consult the factory for more advanced operational
Prostep requires a computer system with the following characteris-
Figure 8 — Sample Humidity Profile
Chapter 3 — Using the PROSTEP software


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