Removal Of Iodine Compounds; Preventive Maintenance - Technimount System PRO 60-SD Series User Manual

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Phenolic type or quaternary type disinfectants can be used (excluding Virex® TB). Iodophor type disinfectants, Peracetic
Acid, Chlorine, and especially Hydrogen Peroxide are not recommended for use because staining and corrosion may
Suggested cleaners for the bracket:
9 Quaternary Cleaners (active ingredient - ammonium chloride)
9 Water and soft soap
9 A mild 10% bleach solution, a solution containing alcohol or a quaternary ammonium chloride solution. In diluted
concentrations, these cleaning agents have no negative effect on our products.
9 Some cleaning products are corrosive in nature and may cause damage to the product if used improperly.
9 If the products described are used to clean the equipment, the bracket and components must be rinsed with clean
water and thoroughly dried following cleaning. Failure to properly rinse and dry the system will leave a corrosive
residue on the surface of the product, possibly causing premature corrosion of critical components.


If rust appears on any surface of the product, we recommend sanding the affected surface to remove the rust and
then using the cleaning method presented in this guide once the rust is removed. To clean the stained area, use a
solution of 1/4 Tablespoon of Sodium Thiosulfate in 1 pint / .5 litre of warm water to clean the stained area. Clean as
soon as possible after staining occurs. If stains are not immediately removed, allow solution to soak or stand on the
surface. Thoroughly rinse surfaces with clean water and allow to air dry before returning unit to service.
9 Failure to properly clean contaminated parts or components will increase the risk of exposure to blood borne
pathogens and may cause injury to the patient or the operator.


A preventive and regular maintenance program should be established for all Technimount equipment. Preventive
maintenance may be required more frequently based on the usage level of the product. The bracket requires regular
preventative maintenance. Establish and follow a preventive maintenance schedule and keep records of preventive
maintenance activities (see maintenance form in this user guide).
9 Close attention should be given to safety features including, but not limited to locking mechanisms and discs.
9 Improper maintenance can cause injury or damage to the product. Maintain the product as described in this user
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Maintenance Guide
BP60-SD UG 202109-01


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