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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Caution! Important Requirements! WARNING Read this manual and please retain for future use.
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Features may be described herein that are not present in all hardware and so ware systems. AEG assumes no obliga on of no ce to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made. AEG makes no representa on or warranty, expressed, implied,...
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT GENERAL INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ 1.1.0 Introduc on Quality Assurance Op ons Check Sheet Product Serial Number Measurement Units 1.1.1 Short Product Descrip on 1.1.2 Features and Characteris cs 1.1.3 Storage 1.1.4 Ra ng label descrip on 1.1.5 Tools Needed for Installa on ------------------------------------------------------...
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INTRO LOCKS AND INTERLOCKS Circuit breaker front panel - Breaker padlock - Breaker Key Lock - Pushbu on locking Casse e - Safety shu er padlocking - Racking access padlocking - Rail Locks - Door interlock - Key locks - Miss inser on device Breaker to breaker Interlock - 1 of 2 breaker interlock - 1 of 3 breaker interlock...
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 1.1.0 Introduc on Quality Assurance Op ons Check Sheet Product Serial Number Measurement Units 1.1.1 Short Product Descrip on 1.1.2 Features and Characteris cs 1.1.3 Storage 1.1.4 Ra ng label descrip on 1.1.5 Tools Needed for Installa on Fig.
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BREAKER 1.1 INTRODUCTION Quality Assurance All ME09 circuit breakers have been designed and manufactured to the highest technical standards. AEG uses strict procedures ensuring that the men oned technical standards are met whilstmaintaining a rst class product quality. Op ons Check Sheet...
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The devices have a 100% normal current ra ng up to an ambient temperature of 50°C in free air. Connec on of Power supply: ME09 5000-6400A devices can be fed from top or bo om terminals. Stored Energy Mechanism: ME09 5000-6400A circuit breaker uses a stored energy mechanism that can be charged manually or electrically.
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BREAKER Electrical Closing Bu on: Located on the front cover; electrically closes breaker. Connec on modes Connec on sets are available to adapt the standard connec on mode (Rear Horizontal) of the xed pa ern breaker to a front or Ver cal rear connec on mode.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Through-door Racking: The breaker racking mechanism is accessible through the front door and permits safely disconnec ng/withdrawing the circuit breaker without opening the door and exposing personnel to live parts during the process. Padlocking devices: 5000-6400A Power Circuit Breakers are supplied with several padlocking devices.
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BREAKER IP54 Covers: Each ME09 breaker is supplied with a Door Frame that provides the installed device with an IP40 ra ng. Op onally an extra cover is available providing an IP54 ra ng. Opera ons Counter: Provides local record of the cumula ve number of complete breaker closing opera ons.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 1.1.4 Front label data overview: 1. Product Denomina on 2. Bar code 3. Colour Code indica ng Interrup on Tier 4. Voltage Ra ngs 5. Current Ra ngs 6. Cer ca ons & Standards 7.
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BREAKER STANDARD CONNECTION SCHEME FOR TERMINAL BLOCK A BLOCK A Indica on: LP1: Spring charge status LP2: Breaker open LP3: Breaker closed LP4: Fault LP5: Breaker ready to close LP6: CC powered ...more details see chapter 1.3.4 LP7: UVR not powered LP8: ST powered LP9: ST2 powered / UVR2 not powered LP10: Network Interlock lockout...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Tool Name / Func on Table 1.2: Environmental Condi ons Table 1.6: IEC 60947 AC/DC Version Performance Characteris cs Table 1.7: IEC 60947 AC/DC Version Rated Endurance Speci ca ons Table 1.9: Non-Automa c CB/Switch, IEC Version Table 1.10: Non-Automa c CB/Switch Endurance Speci ca ons Table 1.11: Connec on op ons for breaker in xed pa ern...
BREAKER 1.2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS WARNING Ensure only quali ed personnel install, operate, service and maintain all electrical equipment. Characteristic Parameter -5 ºC 70 ºC -20 ºC -5 ºC -40 ºC 70 ºC 20% RH 95% RH IEC 68-2-1 IEC 68-2-2 IEC 68-2-3 IEC 68-2-11 IEC 68-2-14...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Performance in accordance with IEC 60947-2 3 ,4 1 0 0 0 6 9 0 Y E S 5 0 0 0 o r 6 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0...
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BREAKER A 50 10000 5000 1500 440V AC 1000 690V AC 1000V AC English Air Circuit Breaker Denomina on CO opera ons Electrical Endurance Envelope type For Endurance in DC applica ons please refer to the IEC 60947 Mechanical Endurance Power Circuit Breaker type Rated current In With Maintenance...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Content 1.3.1 Li ing and Moun ng - Using a Li ing Truck and Adapter 1.3.2 Fixed-Pa ern Circuit Breaker - Installa on 1.3.3 Drawout Pa ern Circuit Breaker - Installa on - Removal from Casse e - Moun ng in Casse e 1.3.4 Secondary Disconnect Terminal Blocks...
BREAKER 1.3 INSTALLATION C AU T I O N : Ensure circuit brea ke randits accessories are always used within their designated ra ngs. Do not allow the circuit breaker to hit a hard surface while handling. Do not drag or slide the circuit breaker across a hard or rough surface.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 1.3 INSTALLATION Using a Li ing Truck and Adapter Op onally available to facilitate breakers handling. an adapter being available allowing one to use the same device for envelope 3 devices. 1.3.2 Fixed Circuit Breaker Installa on 1.
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BREAKER Please ensure that the breaker is placed in tripped posi on, that the opera on indicator shows OFF and that the mechanisms springs are fully discharged. Whilst li ing, do not touch the circuit breakers isola ng contacts. Circuit Breaker Removal from the Casse e Li the circuit breaker clear of the draw out support slides using the hand grips on either side (Fig.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT CAUTION: If a Motor Spring Charge or Undervoltage Release is installed, these may operate when approaching the TEST posi on. 7. Remove and store the racking handle. 8. The circuit breaker is now ready for normal opera on. 1.3-05...
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BREAKER 1.3.4 SECONDARY DISCONNECT TERMINAL BLOCKS Breakers in Fixed Pa ern, casse es and breakers in draw out mode are always supplied with and auxiliary connec on block with 39 connec on points (terminals) . These are easily accessible and located at the top and front of the device.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT WIRING Assignment of terminals to accessories -- Block A see table 1.16 -- Block B see table 1.17 -- De ni on of accessories, their labelling and use, with terminal block connec on data see table 1.18. UVR D2 UVR D2 5V Iso...
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BREAKER Icom ST C2 UVR D2 5V Iso TxEN 1 Ucom 1.3-08...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT A14 A16 A18 A20 A22 A24 The scheme indicated here is used for standard applica ons. In cases where less commonly used accessories are needed M2 58 UVR2 UVR1 other, op onal schemes are used (see adjacent images).
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BREAKER Alternate Connec on Scheme: Valid when Release Indica on Contacts are used on the indicated devices. (Replaces 3 Aux Contacts) CONNECTED(连接) TEST(测试) DISCONNECTED(断开) User designated circuits; indicators LP11: Breaker in disconnected posi on LP12: Breaker in test posi on LP13: Breaker in connected posi on LP12 LP11...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Content 1.4.1 Charging of Main Springs Manually Electrically 1.4.2 Sequence of opera on 1.4.3 Circuit breaker closing opera on 1.4.4 Circuit breaker opening opera on 1.4.5 Circuit breaker Withdrawal 1.4.6 Circuit breaker Inser on 1.4.7 Sequence of opera on casse e WARNING Only quali ed personnel are allowed to install, operate and...
BREAKER CAUTION: Ensure circuit breaker and its accessories are always used within their designated ra ngs. Use the specially designed circuit breaker handling truck (op onal accessory) when removing the circuit breaker from its casse e. 1.4.1 Charging of main springs NOTICE: 1 charging cycle provides su cient energy for an O-C-O (Open-Close-Open) opera on.
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 1.4.3 CIRCUIT BREAKER CLOSING OPERATION 1. The circuit breaker can be closed, if: - The Trip Unit is installed. - No pending ON command is present - The network interlock if installed is reset. - If installed, the Undervoltage release (s) are energized.
BREAKER 1.4.4 Circuit Breaker Opening Opera on NOTICE: If the device is a breaker it will always AUTOMATICALLY Trip on closing or being exposed to faults that exceed the values set or installed on the installed protec ve devices. (GT type Electronic Trip Unit).
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Otherwise the motor will recharge the springs -- Remove any padlocks from the racking panel. -- Ensure the cabinet/panel door is closed. Opera on: 1. Remove the racking handle from its storage loca on (Fig. 1.9). 2.
BREAKER 7. Remove the racking handle and replace it into its storage loca on (Fig. 1.9). Now the breaker is ready to operate. 1.4.7 Sequence of opera on: Casse e Table 1.21: Casse e Opera ng Posi ons Circuit Breaker Circuit Breaker Door Primary Disconnects Second.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT CONTENT General Informa on Product descrip on Opera on LCD Screen Mode Curves Communica on Register Installa on Connec on Scheme note WARNING IMPROPER DISPOSAL Ensure ba ery is properly disposed ofaccording to all applicable regula ons.
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TRIP UNIT 2.0 Trip unit GENERAL INFORMATION DANGER Please ensure that the breaker is placed in tripped posi on, that the opera on indicator shows OFF and that the mechanisms springs are fully discharged. Mpro The Mpro Trip Unit is an electronic device that interfaces with a circuit breaker.
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无:接通装置电源。在释放单元上完成。 2.1.4 2.1.4 Equipment Interfaces ME09 5000-6400A ME09 5000-6400ACircuit Breakers. Trip units, for the most part, do not require direct connec ons to the equipment. All wiring is intended to connect to the circuit breaker or casse e. Connec ons that are required for other equipment are the...
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TRIP UNIT Mpro Some Mpro Trip Units have two output relays that can be assigned to the following func ons: -- GF Alarm -- Over-current trip (GF, INST, LT, ST) -- Reduced Instantaneous (RELT) Ac ve -- Protec ve Relays -- Current Alarm 1 -- Current Alarm 2 -- Health status...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT -- Ground Fault Internal Summa on (Op onal Protec on against Ground Fault currents) GFsum -- Ground Fault CT External Summa on (Op onal Protec on against Ground Fault currents) GFCT -- Hi level Instantaneous Override (Protec on against High Short circuit currents) HSIOC -- Making Current Release (Protec on against closure on a fault) MCR...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Table 2.2 EntelliGuard™ GT Electronic Trip Unit Func onality Remarks GT-S GT-N LCD Screen allowing access to 4 dis nct Menu's Touch pad adjustments Se ng Interface Mul lingual Adjustable Manual or Automa c RESET op on 6 primary current se ngs Ie with FULL RANGE Ra ng Plug 1, 0.975.
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TRIP UNIT Ra ng Plug is plugged in to a jack on the trip. Unit Front Face. When this device is not installed the Trip Unit will revert to it's minimum se ng, which has as value of 16-18% of the breaker ra ng In. Ra ng plugs can be removed with a Ra ng Plug Extractor, Catalogue No.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT BATTERY FUNCTION Pressing any key on the face of the trip unit powers the unit from its internal ba ery. Ba ery power is maintained for 20 sec a er the last key is pressed. This self-powered mode allows se ng up the trip unit or viewing trip targets when the breaker is de-energized and external control power is unavailable.
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TRIP UNIT 2.2 OPERATION 2.2.1 OPERATING MODES 2.2.1 Mpro Trip Units have four opera ng modes: Setup, Meter, Status and Events. These are accessed through the ve keys on the Trip Unit front. -- UP: Scroll up or increment value -- DOWN: Scroll down or decrement value -- RIGHT: Next func on or next page -- LEFT: Previous func on or previous page...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Long Time Pickup (Overload Protec on se ng) Ir Installed in all Trip Units types the rst SETUP mode display is always the Long Time Pickup setpoint. This set point establishes the breaker's ampere ra ng Ir.
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TRIP UNIT STDB Short Time Delay STDB (Delay on delayed Short Circuit Protec on) The Mpro S & N trip unit types o er a Short Time Delay func on Mpro S with both a slope se ng and a xed delay band se ng. The slope and delay are independently selectable.
Page 46 (MCR) Making Current Release (MCR) Every ME09 circuit breaker uses a making current release that is speci cally designed to prevent damage to the circuit breaker when it closed on a fault. The making current release value varies per circuit breaker envelope and is related to the circuit breaker’s close and latch...
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TRIP UNIT (GF) Ground Fault Protec on (GF) The GT-E, GT-S & GT-N Trip Units can op onally be equipped Mpro S和Mpro N with a ground fault protec on that operates on a residual (GFsum) principle. (GFsum) The device u lizes the internal Rogowski Rogowski sensors in the circuit breaker to measure and to residually sum all phase and neutral currents.
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The AEG TIM device (Catalogue number --TIM1-- --TIM1--) can be used for these kind of applica ons. This device +24VDC also requires a +24VDC control voltage power supply.
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ME09 connec on points located on the standard terminal block Modbus Modbus on the top of the ME09 circuit breaker. Modbus Modbus The Trip Units are fully compliant with Modbus Protocol. Full details of the Modbus protocol can be found in the Modbus Protocol Speci ca on.Two wire Modbus 485 are supported.
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2.2.8 2.2.8 Neutral Protec on Four pole ME09 circuit breakers are equipped with a neutral pole located on the le , when viewed from the breaker front. The Mpro trip unit allows the neutral pole to be op oned with or without a full set of protec on devices.
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TRIP UNIT RELT REMOTE 0.2 x CT SETUP TRIP 1000V 1.000A ST ZSI 1.5 x LT 0.55 100% C, 1.000A ST ZSI PT CONN PH-PH PH-N PH-PH 1.5 x LT Cmin Cmax 1.000A PT VOLTAGE ST ZSI 1.5 x LT SHORT TIME 5,...
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For a power supply with a Wye construc on the chosen condi oners must use V=L-N and for a Delta construc on type V=L-L. Poten al Transformers are available as ME09 accessories and are mounted and connected externally. Note: Energy reset is supported from setup so ware and over communica ons.
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TRIP UNIT 2.3.3 STATUS 2.3.3 STATUS mode STATUS Mode is available on all trip unit types Mpro S & Mpro N Mpro S Mpro N STATUS and can be used to access informa on on.. -- The value of the se ngs of the installed devices. -- The pickup status of the installed devices -- Error status.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 2.3.4 EVENTS 2.3.4 EVENTS mode EVENT LOGGING The trip unit keeps a log of the last 10 events: -- Over current trips -- Protec ve relay trips -- Shunt trip (Op onal, if the coil contact is used) -- Under voltage Release trip (Op onal, if the coil contact is used) -- BIM Trip Unit Mismatch - Breaker Interface Module...
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TRIP UNIT / Abbrevia ons in use with the LCD screen(Chapter 2.3) 2.3-05...
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The curves can be produced for any current se ng within the range of the installed protec on devices, for one or for a combina on of two breakers. Please contact your local AEG Sales O ce for more informa on. Time Current Curve...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 1- I 2- I 3- I ZSI GF ZSI GF 1- I2T 2- I2T 3- I2T (RELT) 0-15 16-31 32-47 48-63 2.5-02...
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TRIP UNIT Communica on register ENGLISH Communications Parameters Function 2 Reg. Variable Value Read/Write Relay 1 Status 0- OFF, 1- ON Read Relay 2 Status 0- OFF, 1- ON Read Input 1 Status 0- OFF, 1- ON Read Input 2 Status 0- OFF, 1- ON Read Breaker position...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Communica on register ENGLISH ENGLISH 5- 9600-8N2 275 Input 1 Function 0-None 1-Trip Breaker Read/Write 12-9600-801 19-9600-8E1 2-Reduc. Instant. 6-19200-8N2 13-19200-801 20-19200-8E1 Input 2 Function 0-None 1-Trip Breaker Read/Write Long Time Trip Pickup 1- 0.5 5- 0.7 9- 090...
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TRIP UNIT Communica on register ENGLISH ENGLISH Reactive PowerPhase TotalHi 16 bits Hour 8 bit Read Read Minute 8 bit Read Power Apparent Ph. L1Lo 16 bits 32 bit Read Second 8 bit Read Power Apparent Ph. L1Hi 16 bits Read Phase 8 bit...
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TRIP UNIT 2.6 INSTALLATION Short descrip on All the ME09 power circuit breakers are equipped with a digital electronic trip unit available in two basics versions S&N. Each has a common design that comes with a screen providing an ammeter and following a simple and accurate menu driven adjustment of the breaker parameters across a board current range.
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TRIP UNIT 24V+ 24V- N-RC N-RC OUT+ OUT- +24- Connection scheme Mpro Electronic Trip Unit Relay O/P1 Relay O/P2 24V+ 24V- N-RC N-RC Relay I/P OUT+ OUT- +24- Connection scheme Mpro Electronic Trip Unit Abbrevia ons Connec on scheme: 24V+/24V-: AUXILIARY POWER SUPPLY TO TRIP UNIT N-RC: NEUTRAL ROGOWSKI COIL...
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Content 3.1 Breaker front Fascia - Breaker Security Padlocking - Breaker Security Keylocking - Pushbu on Padlocking 3.2 Drawout Breaker Casse e - Shu er Security Padlocking - Racking handle access Padlocking - Support Slides Padlocking - Casse e Security Keylocking - Standard Drawout Breaker Interlock...
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LOCKS 3.0 LOCKS AND INTERLOCKS WARNING Ensure the circuit breaker has been tripped, indica ng OFF, and the main springs are fully discharged before installing locks and interlocks. A variety of locks and interlock accessories are available. CAUTION : Ensure circuit breker and its accessories are always used within their designated ra ngs.
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Circuit Breaker Security Keylocking An op onal feature allowing the user to place up to 4 locks that each can lock the breaker with it's contacts open. Any a empt to close the breaker, either electrically or manually, is prevented whilst the lock(s) are in place.
LOCKS posi on and/or fully removed from the casse e. To engage the device and place padlocks : 1. Ensure that the breaker's mobile por on is in DISCONNECTED posi on and/or is fully removed from the casse e (see posi on indicator Fig.
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT padlocking device is present on both slides and each can accept up to three padlocks with a hasp dimension of 3 to 8 mm (see Fig. 3.5). It can only be used when the breaker's mobile por on is in DISCONNECTED posi on and fully removed from the casse e.
LOCKS Standard Drawout Breaker Interlock The casse es and device mobile part are equipped with a interlock that prevents the breaker from closing unless it is in the TEST or CONNECTED posi on. The device also opens the main breaker contacts before the mobile part leaves and/or approaches the CONNECTED posi on.
Shu er Prop Open Feature. 3.2.1 Shu er force open feature In order to inspect the main plug in contacts within the ME09 draw out casse es a shu er force open feature is present in each casse e.
LOCKS 3.2.2 Draw out Casse e Isola on Shu er Locking: Security locking Locks the Opera on of Safety shu ers, if installed any, when pad lock applied on the security locking bar C only, when the Casse e is in DISCONNECTED posi on. Also Locks the entry of Racking handle in to the Crank Inser on hole of the Casse e.
INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT 3.3 Interlocking of Mul ple Breakers Mechanical interlocks are op onal devices available for beakers in a xed or Drawout pa ern. These enable the interlocking of 2 or 3 breakers mounted side by side or stacked.
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LOCKS 2 of 3 breaker interlock with priority (Type D) With the 2 of 3 interlock in opera on, one of the three breakers has priority over both the others, hence when the priority breaker is ON the other 2 MUST be OFF. Also entailing that when the priority breaker is OFF the other 2 breaker can be turned ON.
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INTRO BREAKER LOCKS ACCESSORIES TESTS APPENDIX TRIP UNIT Table 3.1: Fixed Pa ern Circuit Breaker; Locking op ons Func on Type and possible quan ty of locking devices Locking device details Circuit Breaker security padlocking in 'OFF' posi on on breaker front facia Padlock 3 -8 mm hasp diameter - A Maximum of three padlocks Circuit Breaker security keylocking in 'OFF' posi on on breaker front facia...
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LOCKS Table 3.2: Drawout Pa ern Circuit Breaker; Locking op ons Function Type and possible quantity of locking devices Locking device details Drawout Circuit Breaker cassette security padlocking.. shutter - A Maximum of three padlocks Padlock 3-8 mm hasp diameter Drawout Circuit Breaker cassette security padlocking..
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