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Harmony Dreamtime Elite Instruction Manual

Harmony Dreamtime Elite Instruction Manual

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D r E a M T i M E E l i T E
This booster seat complies with ECE regulations for use by children:
Do not install or use this booster seat until you read and understand the
instructions in this manual and in your vehicle owner's manual.
FailUrE To ProPErlY UsE THis BoosTEr sEaT incrEasEs THE
risK oF sErioUs inJUrY or DEaTH in a sHarP TUrn, sUDDEn
iF YoU HaVE anY ProBlEMs, PlEasE Do noT rETUrn
THis ProDUcT To THE PlacE oF PUrcHasE. PlEasE
conTacT cUsToMEr sErVicE aT +44 (0) 1704 549881
®Harmony Juvenile Products
c a r s E a T
i n s T r U c T i o n M a n U a l
• Group II / III
• Mass: 15 to 36 kg
For children approx. 4 years to 12 years
rEaD THis ManUal
sToP or crasH.
or aT WWW.HarMonYJUVEnilE.coM



Summary of Contents for Harmony Dreamtime Elite

  • Page 1 DEaTH in a sHarP TUrn, sUDDEn sToP or crasH. iF YoU HaVE anY ProBlEMs, PlEasE Do noT rETUrn THis ProDUcT To THE PlacE oF PUrcHasE. PlEasE sToP conTacT cUsToMEr sErVicE aT +44 (0) 1704 549881 or aT WWW.HarMonYJUVEnilE.coM ®Harmony Juvenile Products HMYDTEHBB-UK3 20/4...
  • Page 2 Visit to register your child restraint online, mail-in the registration card or send your name, address, the restraint’s model number, manufacturing date and date of purchase to: Harmony Juvenile Products UK 10 Beach Priory gdns. southport, UK Pr8 1rT...
  • Page 3 P a r T s l i s T Headrest Shoulder belt positioning guides Backrest Base Cup holder (when applicable) Headrest Height Adjuster (red handle behind headrest) LATCH system Up-front LATCH adjustment belt LATCH release button (under base) Shoulder belt guide (not installed) Instruction manual storage Pre-installed: Fabric seat covers and EPE foam.
  • Page 4 a s s E M B l i n g / D i s a s s E M B l i n g B a c K r E s T...
  • Page 5 H E a D r E s T H E i g H T a D J U s T M E n T i n s T a l l i n g W i T H l aT c H s Y s T E M...
  • Page 6 i n s T a l l i n g W i T H V E H i c l E s E a T B E lT   sE cUr in g c H il D a nD B o o sT E r s E aT i n V E H ic l E...
  • Page 7 i n s Ta l l aT i o n W i T H B a c K r E s T g r o U P 2 & 3 ( 1 5 - 3 6 K g ) i n s Ta l l aT i o n W i T H o U T B a c K r E s T g r o U P 3 ( 2 2 - 3 6 K g )
  • Page 8 i n s Ta l l i n g / r E M o V i n g s H o U l D E r B E lT g U i D E Belt guide shoulder Belt insTa l l in g cU P H o lD E r ( W H En a PP l i caB l E )
  • Page 9 r E M o V i n g / i n s Ta l l i n g Fa B r i c s E aT c o V E r c E r T i F i c a T i o n s This is a “Universal”...
  • Page 10 a s s E M B l i n g / D i s a s s E M B l i n g B a c K r E s T 1. Insert ‘U-Shape’ plastic hooks on bottom of backrest into the corresponding bars on seat base .
  • Page 12 i n s T a l l i n g W i T H l a T c H s Y s T E M Warning! insTalling THis BoosTEr sEaT Using laTcH DoEs noT sEcUrE THE cHilD. THE VEHiclE’s 3-PoinT laP-anD-sHoUlDEr BElT MUsT BE UsED To sEcUrE THE cHilD in THE BoosTEr sEaT.
  • Page 13 . If so, remove the vehicle headrest. Do noT use any load bearing contact points other than those described in the instructions and marked in the child restraint. iF in DoUBT aBoUT THEsE PoinTs or anY qUEsTions rElaTED To insTallaTion, PlEasE conTacT HarMonY JUVEnilE ProDUcTs.
  • Page 14 i n s Ta l l aT i o n W i T H B a c K r E s T g r o U P 2 & 3 ( 1 5 - 3 6 K g ) Warning! DUE To VarYing anglEs oF VEHiclE sEaT BElT rETracTors, EXcEss slacK in THE VEHiclE BElT sYsTEM MigHT noT BE rEMoVED aUToMaTicallY.
  • Page 15 i n s Ta l l aT i o n W i T H o U T B a c K r E s T g r o U P 3 ( 2 2 - 3 6 K g ) For cHilDrEn 22 - 36 Kg anD 125 cM anD TallEr.
  • Page 16 U s i n g s H o U l D E r B E lT g U i D E 1. Slide the vehicle’s shoulder belt into the rED clip ensuring it is flat. Position the (21) belt guide just above the child’s shoulder THE VEHiclE’s sHoUlDEr BElT MUsT liE across THE cHilD’s sHoUlDEr.
  • Page 17 3. Properly securing both your child and the booster seat in the vehicle. many seat belts are noT safe to use with this booster seat. If in doubt about installing this booster seat, consult the vehicle owner’s manual or call the Harmony Customer Service Department.
  • Page 18 Set a good example by alWaYs wearing your seat belt. make it a firm rule that the vehicle does not move until everyone is buckled up. MaKE no EXcEPTions. Harmony Juvenile Products advises against loaning or passing along a booster seat. Do noT UsE a sEconD-HanD BoosTEr sEaT or a booster seat whose history you do not know.
  • Page 19 It is recommended that any luggage or other objects liable to cause injuries in the event of a collision shall be properly secured. In the event of a sharp turn, sudden stop or crash, loose objects will keep moving, potentially causing serious injuries.
  • Page 20 D a M a g E W a r n i n g s It is recommended that the device should be changed when it has been subject to violent stresses in an accident. Do noT UsE a BoosTEr sEaT THaT Has BEEn in an acciDEnT oF anY KinD.
  • Page 21: Warranty Limitations

    3. Replacement of fabric as a result of natural wear or fading of the fabric as a result of exposure to the sun or Uv radiation. The use of non-Harmony branded covers, inserts, toys, accessories or tightening devices is not approved by HJP. Their use could cause this booster seat to fail federal safety standards or perform worse in a crash.
  • Page 22 n o T E s...
  • Page 23 n o T E s...