Iridium Pilot User Manual page 70

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Fo r warranty claims, questio ns, repairs, service o r fo r th e return o f Prod uct o r Accessories, contact the
Iridium Service Pro vider o r Poin t-o f-S ale . Prod ucts an d Accesso ries n eeding service should be returned to
the Purch aser's Service Pro vider o r Poin t-o f-Sa le. Purch aser's Service Provid er will coo rd in ate warran ty service
with Iridium to facilitate repair or replacement of the Product or Accessories. All Products and Accessories
shipped to Iridium's authorized Global Warranty Center(s) must be shipped with freight and insurance pre-
paid. Products and Accessories returned to Iridium must be accompanied by a copy of the Return Material
Authorization (RMA), and the RMA number referenced on the outside of the box.
Prod uct and Accessories th at are repaired o r rep laced und er the LIMIT E D WARRA NT Y sh all be returned to
Purch aser at Iridium's expen se for the freigh t an d in suran ce, and at Purch aser's expense fo r an y ap plicable
duties or other charges. If you are a consumer entitled to return the Product under statutory guarantee, at
your request Iridium will reimburse reasonable shipping costs incurred by you.
In the United States, an d subject to availability , emerg en cy calls using 911 o r 112 emerg en cy systems , are
routed to emerg en cy call centers fo r resp on se. OUTSIDE OF THE UNTIE D STATES, EMERG E NCY ACCESS
SATELLIT E SERV IC E . Iridium also d oes n o t curren tly sup p o rt enh anced 911 o r 112 services and d oes n o t
provide information to emergency call centers to identify callers' locations.
Purchaser and all users of the Product and Accessories, including but not limited to the use of the Iridium phone
services, in conjun ction with 911, 112, o r an y o th er emerg en cy o r d istress call services, both public an d privately
operated, acknowledge and agree as a condition of the provision of Iridium phone service that they will make no
claim in contract, tort, or otherwise, against Iridium for any damages, bodily injury, loss of life, or any other loss
arisin g from un availability, d elay, faultin ess, o r failures o f th e Irid ium facilities, service, Pro duct o r Accessories,
including inaccuracies with regard to any user information. Users disclaim any liability against Iridium arising from
Iridium's service in exch an g e fo r th e p ro visio n o f Irid ium's p h o n e service through its Products an d Accessories.
As part of providing its service, Iridium may disclose user information, including but not limited to name,
address, telepho ne number an d lo catio n information , in clud ing, where available , th e geograp hic coo rd in ates
o f equip men t, to go vern menta l an d q uasi-go vern m en tal agencies wh ere Iridiu m d eems it n ecessary in its so le
discretion to respon d to exig en t circums tan c es o r as required by law. Govern men tal an d q uasi-govern men tal
agen cies sh all also be d eemed "users" fo r all p urp o ses o f th is p ro vision and th ese Terms and Conditio ns.
Purch aser sh all only use th e Pro d ucts an d Accesso ries in co n n ectio n with service o n th e Iridium satellite n etwork
using airtime p urch ased fro m Purch aser's Irid ium Service Provid er. Terms an d con dition s for use o f th e Irid ium
system an d n etwork airtime are p ro vid ed sep arately by Purch aser's Service Provid er. Iridium o r Purch aser's
Service Provider may from time to time change or establish additional terms and conditions. Iridium will
attempt to reasonably provide Purchaser with notice of changes in terms and conditions. All terms and
conditions will be effective as of the date such changes are made available publicly, and Purchaser's use of the
Pro duct o r Accessories after such d ate sh all co n stitute accep tan ce o f n ew and /o r mo dified terms an d con dition s.
The Product and Accessories must not be used in connection with any third-party devices, including but not
limited to comp uters , cameras , batteries , GPS devices, reco rd ers o r o th er d evices which alter th e format o f
information sent or received by the Product or Accessories, except to the extent that Iridium has tested those
devices and certified that their use will have no adverse effect on the Iridium satellite network. All devices
approved by Iridium will be advertised and labeled as Certified by Iridium. Only such "Iridium-Approved
Devices" may be used with the Product and Accessories and with the Iridium system.
Modification, reverse-engineering, or any attempt to reverse-engineer the Product or Accessories, any component
of any Product or Accessories or the manner in which the Product or Accessories connects to, sends information to,
receives information from, or otherwise interacts with the Iridium system is strictly prohibited, will void the LIMITED
Iridium Pilot User Manual


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