Westinghouse WHSV01K Instruction Manual

Westinghouse WHSV01K Instruction Manual

Sous vide immersion cooker




Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Westinghouse WHSV01K

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION Important Safety Instructions ......1 - 2 Electrical Requirements ....... . 3 SETUP AND USE Installation Guide .
  • Page 3: Important Safety Instructions

    IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS DANGER WARNING CAUTION DANGER - Immediate hazards WARNING - Hazards or unsafe CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe which WILL result in severe practices which COULD result in practices which COULD result in personal injury or death. severe personal injury or death. minor personal injury.
  • Page 4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 13. This appliance is intended for indoor use only and is not a toy. Do not disassemble. Observe all warning labels. ***Do not remove warning labels*** Do not use this appliance for anything other than its intended use. When using, ensure your container is ´lled with water prior to af´xing the sous vide immersion cooker to ensure stability.
  • Page 5: Electrical Requirements

    If the power supply cord is too short, do not use an extension cord. Have a TXDOL´HG HOHFWULFLDQ RU VHUYLFHPDQ LQVWDOO DQ RXWOHW QHDU WKH DSSOLDQFH NOTE: Neither Westinghouse nor the retailer can accept any liability for damage to the product or personal injury resulting due to failure to observe the electrical connection procedures.
  • Page 6: Parts And Features

    PARTS AND FEATURES 1. LED Display 5. Stainless Steel Sleeve 2. Function Indicator 6. Safety Screw 3. Clamp 7. Plastic End Cap 4. LED Indicator Light 8. Min and Max Water Level 1. POWER BUTTON 2. TEMP. DISPLAY 3. INCREASE FUNCTION 4.
  • Page 7: Sous Vide Operation

    SOUS VIDE OPERATION Note: Your Westinghouse Sous Vide Immersion cooker requires a 6 litre to 15 litre container or pot to work effectively. The unit will not function unless there is VXI´FLHQW ZDWHU SUHVHQW WR LPPHUVH WKH PLQ OHYHO LQGLFDWRU ORFDted on the stainless steel sleeve.
  • Page 8: Cooking Temperatures

    IHZ PLQXWHV RQFH WKH\ KDYH FRPSOHWHG WKHLU VRXV YLGH SURFHVV IRU RSWLPDO µDYRXU TIP: As all sous vide immersion cookers operate by heating a water bath to a set WHPSHUDWXUH DOO UHFLSHV \RX ´QG IRU VRXV YLGH FRRNLQJ FDQ EH XVHG ZLWK \RXU Westinghouse sous vide immersion cooker.
  • Page 9: Cooking Times

    TIP: As all sous vide immersion cookers operate by heating a water bath to a set WHPSHUDWXUH DOO UHFLSHV \RX ´QG IRU VRXV YLGH FRRNLQJ FDQ EH XVHG ZLWK \RXU Westinghouse sous vide immersion cooker. www.westinghousesmallappliances.com.au © 2018 RVM Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved...
  • Page 10: Cleaning And Care

    CLEANING & CARE CLEANING DANGER: Under no circumstances immerse the power cord, mains plug or sous vide body body in water or any other liquid. Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaning agents. The outside surface may be wiped clean with a soft, damp cloth and dried thoroughly. If necessary, a mild dishwashing detergent may be applied to the cloth but not directly applied to the sous vide immersion cooker.
  • Page 11: Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING BEFORE CALLING FOR SERVICE If the sous vide fails to operate: Check to make sure the sous vide is plugged in correctly and securely. If it is not, remove the plug from the outlet, wait 10 seconds and plug it back in securely. Check for a blown or tripped circuit breaker in your home.
  • Page 12: Warranty

    LIMITED WARRANTY 1RWKLQJ LQ WKLV ZDUUDQW\ DIIHFWV WKH &RQVXPHU­V ULJKWV XQGHU WKH $XVWUDOLDQ Consumer law. The EHQH´WV Wo WKH Consumer under WKLV WarrDQW\ are LQ DGGLWLRQ Wo WKH ULJKWV and rHPHGLHV of WKH bu\er under an\ Consumer GuaranWees. The AusWrDOLDQ Consumer Law rHTXLrHV WKaW we cRQ´UP WKaW Our JRRGV come ZLWK JXDranWees WKaW FDQQRW be excluded under WKH AusWrDOLDQ Consumer Law.
  • Page 13 b.) Make note of the defects reported by the Owner. c.) Take back the defective goods from the owner and determine within a reasonable time through dialogue with the Seller whether the goods are defective. d.) Advise the owner within a reasonable time frame whether it accepts or rejects the Product claim.
  • Page 14 11 Tamara Drive, Cockburn Central, WA 6164 MADE IN CHINA © 2018 RVM AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. , WESTINGHOUSE, and INNOVATION YOU CAN BE SURE OF are trademarks of Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Used under license by RVM AUSTRALIA PTY LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Table of Contents