Compressor; Gain; Limiter; Phase Reversal - Monacor DRM-882LAN Instruction Manual

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The compressor reduces the dynamic range
and attenuates the level above an adjustable
threshold . This is necessary if the dynamic
range of the audio signal is higher than al-
lowed by the amplifier system or the listening
situation (e . g . in case of background music) .
It is also possible to reduce level differences
(e . g . for changing microphone distances) or
to attenuate signal peaks in order to allow a
higher gain setting and thus obtain a higher
average volume .
The compressor responds to the effective
value (RMS) of the signal . The activity of the
compressor is indicated by the LED LIMITER
(4) for each output channel .
In the view of an output (e . g . "Out7",
fig . 27), under "RMS Compressor", set the
parameters for the compressor . To change
a parameter, move the corresponding slider
by means of the mouse, or (with the slider
selected) use the arrow keys or the "Pg Up"
or "Pg Down" keys on the keyboard .
1) Use the slider "Threshold [dBu]" to adjust
the threshold value . If this threshold value
is exceeded, the gain will be reduced .
2) Use the slider "Ratio [In : Out]" to adjust
the compression ratio . For example, a com-
pression ratio of 10 : 1 means that with
an input level increase of 20 dB above the
threshold value, the output level will only
be increased by 2 dB .
3) Use the slider "Attack [ms]" to adjust the
attack time .
4) Use the slider "Release [sec]" to adjust the
release time, i . e . the time it takes for the
gain to reach its original value after the
signal level has fallen below the threshold
value .
Fig. 28 Window "RMS Compressor & Peak Limiter"
5) Use the slider "S / H Knee [%]" to define
if the change to the compression is to be
made abruptly (0 % = Hard Knee) or with
a transition range (100 % = Soft Knee) .
The value defines the size of the transition
range .
6) To bypass the compressor, click the but-
ton "Bypass" . The button will appear in
red . To activate the compressor, click the
button again .
Click the button "RMS Compressor" to call
up the window "RMS Compressor & Peak
Limiter ..." (fig . 28) . This window provides
the same sliders for adjusting the parameters
and the button "Bypass" for bypassing the
compressor . In addition, it includes graphics
that represent the signal level of the compres-
sor input and compressor output, depending
on the compressor adjustments . Any changes
to the parameters "Threshold", "Ratio" or
"Soft / Hard Knee" will be instantly reflected
in the graphics .


In the view of an output (e . g . "Out7",
fig . 27), under "Lev [dB]", set the gain, i . e .
the output level (between −127 ... +18 dB) . To
change the gain, move the slider by means of
the mouse, or (with the slider selected) use
the arrow keys or the "Pg Up" or "Pg Down"
keys on the keyboard . To quickly reset the
gain to 0 dB, click the button "0 dB" beneath
the slider .
To temporarily adjust the gain to 0 dB,
click the button "Bypass Level"; the button
will appear in red . To reset the gain to the
value that has been adjusted by means of the
slider, click the button again .


The limiter allows the user to quickly limit
the signal to an adjusted level . This prevents
overloads in subsequent units (e . g . power
amplifiers) and protects the speakers against
damage . The limiter operates similar to the
compressor de scribed above . However, while
the compressor still allows an increase of the
output level above the threshold value de-
pending on the compression rate adjusted,
the threshold value of the limiter defines the
definite upper limit of the output signal (com-
pression ratio = ∞ : 1) .
The limiter responds to the peak values
of the signal . The activity of the limiter is in-
dicated by the LED LIMITER (4) .
In the view of an output (e . g . "Out7", fig . 27),
under "Peak Limiter", adjust the parameters
for the limiter . To change a parameter, move
the slider by means of the mouse, or (with
the slider selected) use the arrow keys or the
"Pg Up" or "Pg Down" keys on the keyboard .
1) Use the slider "Threshold [dBu]" to adjust
the threshold value, i . e . maximum output
level . If this threshold value is exceeded,
the gain will be reduced .
2) Use the slider "Attack [ms]" to adjust the
attack time .
3) Use the slider "Release [sec]" to adjust the
release time, i . e . the time it takes for the
gain to reach its original value after the
signal level has fallen below the threshold
value .
4) To bypass the limiter, click the button
"Bypass" . The button will appear in red . To
activate the limiter, click the button again .
Click the button "P . Limiter" to call up the
window "RMS Compressor & Peak Limiter ..."
(fig .  28) . This window provides the same
sliders for adjusting the parameters and the
button "Bypass" for bypassing the limiter .
In addition, it includes graphics that repre-
sent the signal level of the limiter input and
the limiter output, depending on the limiter
adjustments . Any changes to the parameter
"Threshold" will be instantly reflected in the
graphics . Beneath the curve, the maximum
level [dBu] adjusted by means of the slider
"Threshold" and the corresponding peak
voltage [Vp] are shown .

Phase reversal

The signal of an output can be reversed, e . g .
to balance a reverse polarity when connecting
the speakers . A tick in the box "Phase 180°"
indicates that the signal is reversed . Click the
box to deactivate the phase reversal function .

Main control

To change the output levels of all output
channels proportionately, use the slider
"Master Output Volume [dB]" located at the
bottom of the dialog window .



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