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ETC Congo Service Note page 2

Power supply cable upgrade kit


E T C S e r v i c e N o t e
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
N o t e :
Con go ™ Power Su pp ly Up gr ad e Kit Ser vi ce Not e
Congo™ Power Supply Cable Upgrade Kit
Open the EMC cage lid (open only the lid, do not remove the EMC cage).
a: Utilizing the screwdriver, remove the 11 screws securing the EMC cage lid.
Unplug and remove the power supply cable looms.
a: Remove only the cable ties securing the power supply cable looms in place.
b: Remove the cable ties securing the Reset/LED cable loom in place.
c: Remove the power supply cable looms from the enclosure.
cable looms
Install the new power supply cable loom #1, provided in the Upgrade Kit.
a: Connect the supply cable loom #1 between the power supply connector and the
main board power connector.
b: Route the cable loom through the opening of the EMC cage.
Be careful to retain the grommet in place around the metal edge of the EMC cage.
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El ect r on ic T he at r e Con tr o ls , I nc.

