Command Reference; At Commands - eLine ELC-576ET Manual

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4. C
This chapter includes all commands, S-Registers supported by the modem. Before using the
commands, make sure your communications software package provides the function of operating the
modem through its interna1 commands. If your software does not support the function, ignore Chapter
4 and 5.
More than one command can be placed on a single line and, if desired, separated with spaces for
readability. Once the carriage return (Enter) key is pressed, the command line will be executed. A line
with no carriage return is ignored. If you come across terms that you don't understand, consult the
glossary. Words in boldface type are command names, commands, or default settings. Carriage returns
(Enter) are noted with <CR> or [ENTER]; this does not mean to enter these characters literally; but
instead to press the Enter key.
The modem accepts either upper or lower case characters in the command line and ignores any space
within or between commands. Typing errors can be corrected with the Backspace key. Exceptions are
noted in the description of specific commands.
Variables (r and x) are listed in italics. Punctuation symbols (, ; ! @) use as dial modifiers are listed
alphabetically according to their English names at the beginning of Section 4.2 Where two commands
are separated by a slash, either command will have the same effect. For example, if the command is
listed as B0/B, issuing either B0 or B will have the same effect.
Note: Except for the A/ command and the + + + escape command described in Section 4.3, all
commands must be prefixed with the attention code AT. For instance, the A command (below)
would be entered as:
executed. Once entered, AT cannot be deleted with the Backspace or Delete keys.

4.1 AT Commands

4.1.1 Basic Command Set
Go On-line in Answer Mode
This command instructs the modem to go off-hook immediately and then make a handshake
with the remote modem. Handshaking is not available during leased line operation.
A is usually used to manually answer an incoming call or to switch from voice conversation to
data communication.
Select Protocol to ITU-V.22 or Bell 212A
Selects ITU-V.22 protocol once the command line prefix AT has been entered at the
1200 bps data rate.
Selects BELL 212A protocol once the command line prefix AT has been entered at the
1200 bps data rate. (Default)
Go On-line in Originate Mode
D instructs the modem to go off-hook immediately and automatically dial the number
contained in the dial string following D. The dial string may contain any of the dial modifiers
"AT A <CR>". Without the AT prefix, the command line cannot be


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