General Information; Warnings - Riello Condexa Pro2 EVO Series Installation Instructions Manual

Table of Contents




Dear Customer,
congratulations on your choice and thank you for placing your
confidence in our products. With Condexa Pro2 EVO, you have
chosen technology that is the very essence of energy saving and
Moreover, all R products conform to the strictest directives
and European standards in force.
This product was produced, amongst others, in conformity to
the following directives and standards:
− Directive 2009/142/EC - Gas Appliances
− Directive 92/42/EEC on efficiency requirements and Annex
E and Pres. Republic Decree n. 412, 26 August 1993 (****)
− Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC
− Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
− Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/CE for energy-related prod-
− Delegated Regulation (EU) N. 813/2013
− Standard for gas-fired heating boilers - General require-
ments and tests - EN 15502-1
− Specific standard for type C appliances and type B2, B3
and B5 appliances of nominal heat input not exceeding
1000 kW - EN 15502-2/1.
The Condexa Pro2 EVO, condensing modular systems moreover
conform to the regulatory provisions pursuant to the INAIL "R"
File, section R.3.B.
R has been certified with UNI EN ISO 9001/2000 since
Condexa Pro2 EVOis furthermore a product having to its credit:
European Conformity Mark (based on Directive 92/42/
CEE) issued by the authorized German certification or-
− Maximum energy efficiency class (according to Directive
92/42/EEC) identified by the symbol ««««;
− Classified in the strictest class for nitrogen oxide-related
pollution (fifth grade according to UNI EN 297)
− Patented heat exchanger.


The heating unit must be used for the purpose for which it was
specifically designed and produced. Any whatsoever contractual
or extra-contractual liabilities for damages caused to persons,
animals or objects due to errors in installation, adjustment,
maintenance and improper usage are to be excluded.
Installation must fully comply with provisions of the law in
force and instructions provided by the manufacturer to en-
sure safety and correct functioning, always calling upon pro-
fessionally qualified technical personnel who will issue the
declaration of conformity for the installation accomplished
with good workmanship, in compliance to regulatory pro-
visions in force and guidelines given in this handbook. The
appliance must be installed in appropriate premises and
together with the specific systems installed according to the
Commissioning will be carried out by personnel from the
authorized Technical Assistance Service only and within 8
days from when the appliance was installed. After initial ig-
nition the Technical Assistance Service will fill in the warran-
ty certificate, leaving the user their part to be kept, marking
the beginning of the period of guarantee at the terms and
conditions specified on the relative slip.
The appliance in its original packing may be exposed to tem-
peratures between 4°C and 40°C. Do not expose the appli-
ance to bad weather conditions after it has been unpacked,
anyhow to temperatures below 4°C or above 40°C until it has
been connected up to the water, gas and electricity mains
so as to be able to activate the frost protection systems de-
scribed in paragraph "6.2.6 Frost protection" page 14
Check that the product is complete, undamaged and as or-
dered as soon as you receive it. Report any discrepancies or
damage to the dealer who sold it.
In case of leaks, disconnect the heating unit from the mains,
close the water from the mains and promptly contact the
Technical Assistance Service.
Regularly check that the condensate drain is free from ob-
Regularly check that the working pressure of the water cir-
culation system, when cold, is below the maximum limit
specified for the appliance. If not, contact the Technical As-
sistance Service.
Maintenance jobs on the heating unit must be carried out by
personnel from the authorized Technical Assistance Service
We recommend cleaning inside the exchanger once a year,
extracting jet and burner and removing any installation de-
bris by suction. This operation will be done by personnel
from the Technical Assistance Service only.
The warranty slip endorsed during the course of commis-
sioning will have to be produced for any servicing required
during the guarantee period. The manufacturer shall not be
held liable for any damages caused by mishandling, im-
proper use or errors in installation, use and maintenance
work on the appliance. In the event of breakdown or mal-
function switch off the appliance, avoiding to make any at-
tempt to repair it and contact the Technical Assistance Ser-
This manual must be read carefully for the boiler to be used
rationally and safely, and must be kept with care so as to
be on hand where required by the technician or installer, to
facilitate the appropriate installation, running and main-
tenance of the boiler. R will not be held liable for any
translations possibly giving rise to wrong interpretation. This
manual is an integral part of the heating unit and must con-
sequently be kept with care and must ALWAYS accompany
the boiler even when passed on to another owner or user
or transferred to another installation. Ask the Technical As-
sistance Service for another copy if it should be lost or dam-
Children and people with disabilities or without experience
and specific knowledge are forbidden to use the heating
unit unless they are assisted by a qualified person respon-
sible for their safety.
It is forbidden to use electrical devices or equipment, such
as switches, appliances, etc. if there is a smell of gas or un-
burnt products. If so:
− ventilate the room, opening doors and windows;
− close the gas valve at the mains;
− immediately call in the Technical Assistance Service or
professionally qualified personnel.
It is forbidden to touch the heating unit with bare feet or
parts of the body wet.
It is forbidden to start on any technical or cleaning jobs be-
fore disconnecting the heating unit from the power mains.
It is forbidden to alter the safety and adjustment devices
without permission and instructions from the heating unit


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Table of Contents